Reboot quick before you turn into your mother!

Not that I don't adore my mom, but I think she's given up...and I was headed down that path as well. My family has some serious weight problems, and I haven't been on MFP for over a year because I dislike facing the truth: my eating and exercise habits are affecting my health and will continue to get worse if I don't "reboot" and get back on the wagon!

Friend me if you need some renewed support- I promise to make that a two-way street. I'm excited about starting again!


  • NipsGhost
    NipsGhost Posts: 46
    I sincerely heart this post, plus it made me chuckle. Just rebooting myself (again) after a few sidetracks. :)
  • gracetoo
    gracetoo Posts: 29
    I am on a reboot too!
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