Losing weight but not clean eating?

I tend to eat alot of processed foods (my diet does include fruits, veggies, nuts, dairy etc) but mostly for dinner it is frozen, prepackaged foods or we might have tacos, spaghetti, cheeseburgers, macaroni and cheese, insant mashed potatoes, lipton side dishes etc.

Is that okay? I just think if I try the "clean eating" I'm setting myself up for disaster and will fail. But lately I've been feeling guilty for eating those kinds of foods while at the same time trying to get to a healthier weight.

Does anyone else eat like this? What are your thoughts?

I dont buy cookies and chips or fast food or anything like that, but like I said mostly dinner is a problem but I am feeding 3 other people so its hard to change all of our diets.


  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    You can still lose weight by eating these foods by eating at a deficit. I used to eat A LOT more processed foods than I do now and I still lost weight. For overall health it would of course be better to eat more whole foods, less processed. You don't have to go completely 'clean' but little by little just try to incorporate more whole foods.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    You might want to open your diary to get better answers to this question.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    I lost weight by eating whatever I wanted, as long as it fit into my daily calories.

    I'm now eating ridiculously "clean" and this makes me very cranky.
  • tacguy
    tacguy Posts: 196
    If your feeling guilty, then you already have your answer.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Never ate clean a day in my life.

    Never stopped me from being successful either.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    diary is now open
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    Extreme attitude leads some people to failure...Somewhere in the middle I think is a good compromise..Everything we do regarding our body should be a lifestyle not a diet, HATE this word..."diet"....
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Never ate clean a day in my life.

    Never stopped me from being successful either.
    Pretty much.

    Hell, I have trouble remembering to wash my veggies and fruits.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Never ate clean a day in my life.

    Never stopped me from being successful either.
    That's right, he eats dirty...all day long
  • tinah1126
    tinah1126 Posts: 49 Member
    I am not a "Clean Eater" either. I have 2 boys and a husband to feed as well so cant do just lean meat and salad every night. But with that being said I am trying to make healthier choices. I have switched to brown rice instead of white. I have eliminated Fast Food eating to only Pizza and not doing that very often. I have also bought more fruit and vegtables then junk food. I am not a big sweet eater but my husband and kids are so I am hoping that they will learn some healthier habits as well. I have started using leaner meats to cook and really watch my calorie intake. I have cut all soda's and sweet tea out as well. I am a southern girl and LOVE my sweet tea so that is killing me...lol! I have a goal to lose 40-45 lbs so I have to put in the work. I am working out to help get to a healthy weight and body fat percentage. I think watching your calories and exercising is most important. Calories are calories regardless of what food they come from. If you are in bad health and need to make changes for your health then by all means cut out the bad foods where you can. I think we will absolutely feel better by eliminating all the processed foods and sugars but if you have a busy life and family that is difficult to do. I have eliminated sugars other than what I get in my foods and have to say that just that change has made me feel so much better. Good luck with your weight loss!! Just stay positive and remember every positive change you make is one step to being healthier!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Yep, it'll work without a shadow of a doubt - for most people eating below their TDEE by a few hundred plus working out will do the trick, regardless of intake.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I am not a "Clean Eater" either. I have 2 boys and a husband to feed as well so cant do just lean meat and salad every night. But with that being said I am trying to make healthier choices. I have switched to brown rice instead of white. I have eliminated Fast Food eating to only Pizza and not doing that very often. I have also bought more fruit and vegtables then junk food. I am not a big sweet eater but my husband and kids are so I am hoping that they will learn some healthier habits as well. I have started using leaner meats to cook and really watch my calorie intake. I have cut all soda's and sweet tea out as well. I am a southern girl and LOVE my sweet tea so that is killing me...lol! I have a goal to lose 40-45 lbs so I have to put in the work. I am working out to help get to a healthy weight and body fat percentage. I think watchiing your calories and exercising is most important. Calories are calories regardless of what food they come from. If you are in bad health and need to make changes for your health then by all means cut out the bad foods where you can. I think we will absolutely feel better by eliminating all the processed foods and sugars but if you have a busy life and family that is difficult to do. I have eliminated sugars other than what I get in my foods and have to say that just that change has made me feel so much better. Good luck with your weight loss!! Just stay positive and remember every positive change you make is one step to being healthier!

    I have about 20-30 lbs to lose and yes I have a family too. We dont eat fast food or anything like that and they are definitely in great shape (kids and hubby) so I guess the diet must not be all that bad, i just ate too much for my height lol
  • tacguy
    tacguy Posts: 196
    Extreme attitude leads some people to failure...Somewhere in the middle I think is a good compromise..Everything we do regarding our body should be a lifestyle not a diet, HATE this word..."diet"....

    I hate that word too. Some also think that just because they can eat crap and lose weight that they are getting healthy. Not necessarily true.
    Some people can eat chips all day and be skinny, but are they healthy? Doubt it.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Extreme attitude leads some people to failure...Somewhere in the middle I think is a good compromise..Everything we do regarding our body should be a lifestyle not a diet, HATE this word..."diet"....

    I hate that word too. Some also think that just because they can eat crap and lose weight that they are getting healthy. Not necessarily true.
    Some people can eat chips all day and be skinny, but are they healthy? Doubt it.

    My diary is open.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I lost weight by eating whatever I wanted, as long as it fit into my daily calories.

    Me too.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Never ate clean a day in my life.

    Never stopped me from being successful either.
    That's right, he eats dirty...all day long

    All night too, given the opportunity.
  • tinah1126
    tinah1126 Posts: 49 Member
    I am not a "Clean Eater" either. I have 2 boys and a husband to feed as well so cant do just lean meat and salad every night. But with that being said I am trying to make healthier choices. I have switched to brown rice instead of white. I have eliminated Fast Food eating to only Pizza and not doing that very often. I have also bought more fruit and vegtables then junk food. I am not a big sweet eater but my husband and kids are so I am hoping that they will learn some healthier habits as well. I have started using leaner meats to cook and really watch my calorie intake. I have cut all soda's and sweet tea out as well. I am a southern girl and LOVE my sweet tea so that is killing me...lol! I have a goal to lose 40-45 lbs so I have to put in the work. I am working out to help get to a healthy weight and body fat percentage. I think watchiing your calories and exercising is most important. Calories are calories regardless of what food they come from. If you are in bad health and need to make changes for your health then by all means cut out the bad foods where you can. I think we will absolutely feel better by eliminating all the processed foods and sugars but if you have a busy life and family that is difficult to do. I have eliminated sugars other than what I get in my foods and have to say that just that change has made me feel so much better. Good luck with your weight loss!! Just stay positive and remember every positive change you make is one step to being healthier!

    I have about 20-30 lbs to lose and yes I have a family too. We dont eat fast food or anything like that and they are definitely in great shape (kids and hubby) so I guess the diet must not be all that bad, i just ate too much for my height lol

    I know the feeling me too! I got into the habit of going out to eat lunch every day with the girls here at work and have put on 30 lbs in 5 months. NOT GOOD! Heavier than I have EVER been so it has got to go!! My kids and hubby are all at healthy weights and very active. My boys are actually very lean because they play sports and stay active. Your doing great! What your doing is working so if you are feeling guilty just make a few changes where you can and see how you feel! Good luck!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I eat all the dirty, evil foods and am losing weight.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    You don't have to eat like a saint to lose weight, you just have to eat less.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    You'll lose weight.

    I'd still try and include more fresh fruit and veg in your diet though.