Need advice: Armband vs HRM

This was my workout today:
10 minute warmup
leg extensions 10/30 lbs, 10/50, 5@6/70
leg curls 10/50, 10/70, 2@6/90
leg press 10/30, 10/50, 5@6/70
glutes 10/50, 10/70, 6/90, each leg
elliptical 15 minutes
stretch for 15
Now my BodyMedia Fit armband says that while I was at the gym, I burned 315 calories in a little over an hour.
My new Garmin FR70 HRM says I burned 701 calories in the same amount of time.
I wouldn't complain if the numbers were within 100 points of each other, but a 386 point difference?
What's up with that?


  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    HRMs arent really made for weightlifting so id ignore that completely.
    id go with the BMF even though they can be off by like 10% as well, but at least it measures more than just heart rate.