Doing this thing right this time! Join me!

I feel like I have told this story a million times. My name is Megan, I am 22 and a full-time college student who works (at a desk) part-time. I am doing this the healthiest way possible because quick-fixes cause quick weight regain. Unfortunately, I know the harm that I am causing my body. I am studying to be an athletic trainer, and I have learned my fair share about the human body. It is time to put what I know to use, One Day at a Time; that’s the only way to do things. I currently weigh around 240lbs. My lightest was about 170 when I was in high school because I was active and played sports. My goal weight is to be healthy. I don’t want to focus so much on the scale as knowing that I am being healthy. I owe this to myself and all of my future athletes. I would love to support and be supported along the way. LET’S DO THIS!


  • 1980karen
    1980karen Posts: 92 Member
    Hey Megan! I'm starting to learn the hard way what being overweight does to your body! Have lost weight in the past throught different slimming clubs and when younger tablets. Each time it all came back on plus more!
    This time I want to do it properly through healthy eating and exercise.
    Please feel free to add me, the more friends on this tough journey, the better! X
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    I think it's awesome that you want to do this the healthy way! It's really easy to want quick results, but it often leads to the weight coming back. Really cool that you're studying to be an athletic trainer too, that should help a lot!