Rock Bottom



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Tonight I feel like I hit my rock bottom. I could cry right now if I wasn't in a public place. I participated in a company sponsored event tonight where we were to hike in this Swiss Alps with snow shoes. I lasted 15 minutes and they had to call a snow mobile to bring me back because i am do out of shape i could not do it. I am utterly humiliated. On top of this it was with work people who I have to see daily and I am positive the whole office will know tomorrow. I am done letting my weight hold me back, I HAVE to do something about this. I am down 9 pounds but completely out of shape. I have an additional 110 pounds to lose but more importantly I NEED to get in shape.

    I believe you would have hit rock bottom if you didn't realise it's time to change and become healthy. The good news is that there are so many people just like you, who made a choice, just like you and really did change their lives. I know..I am one of them. i couldn't run 20 yards after a bus last May..and that was my rock bottom..I run my first marathon in 6 weeks time, 87 lbs lighter.

    MFP people are awesome, and we have all been where you have. friend us, train with honesty,eat right and everything will work out..PROMISE.
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    So awesome that you did that snow shoeing for 15 minutes!!!! I hear that is BRUTAL!!!!!! Give yourself some credit for that!!!!! and just remember, we are here for each other on this journey...and it IS a will have some amazing days and some days that might really suck, but what matters is how you handle those crappy days. Are you going to roll over and give up? Or are you going to get up and brush yourself off and continue on your journey? Baby steps.....change 1 thing at a time until you have more confidence in this have to like yourself enough to know you are worth it (talking to myself here big time!!) And lean on US.....
    Friend me if you want.....will be your biggest cheerleader!!!!
  • GabriellaH99
    I am going to start my Hip Hop Abs and then start using my gym membership. I have already changed my eating habits by I need to incorporate exercise.

    Sounds like you have a plan - that's awesome!! Add me if you'd like too! I know you're getting a lot of support here but I would love to help too!! :-)
  • hapawar
    hapawar Posts: 4 Member
    I've been in the same boat for a while, but my boyfriend recommended a routine which is really building up my strength, so you might try it. It's a simple routine and takes about half an hour. At first it's going to suck and if you're really out of shape, you are going to feel like you're dying afterward, but if you do it 5-6 days a week and keep at it, you will notice a huge difference in a few weeks. Also, some of the exercises you might not be able to do well at first or it might not seem like you can do it at all. Just do your best and you will notice over time that they are easier to do and always work on trying to improve your form, such as doing deeper lunges or squats. Within a couple weeks I already began to notice some muscle definition in my arms and legs. And I still have a lot of weight to lose, so if I can do it, just about anyone can.

    All you need is a little space and if you want, a yoga mat for the floor exercises.

    Stretch for 5-10 minutes. I use to skip this, but it's important so you can make it through the routine without hurting yourself. Let me know if you need some examples of stretches. You can set a timer and run through these exercises until it runs out. I'd suggest starting with 15 minutes then increase to 20 or more when you're no longer breaking a sweat. Otherwise, you can run through the routine two times and it takes about 15 minutes. Try not to pause between exercises if possible. When I'm really hurting, I allow myself a break of 3 quick breaths and then I'm on to the next one.

    1. Run in place for a count of 40, make sure to bring the knees up as high as you can and swing your arms.
    2. Do 20 pushups. I know this sounds like a lot, but do your best and it is fine to do a modified pushup (on your knees instead of toes).
    3. Do 20 squats. Place your feet shoulder width apart and put your arms straight out in front of you with one hand over the other. This is to help make sure you are keeping your back straight. Bend your knees and go as low as you can while keeping your back straight. It will kind of look like a sitting position.
    4. Do 20 crunches. Lay flat on your back and lift your feet just slightly in the air. Put your hands behind your head and curl your torso up as far as you can.
    5. Do 20 jumping jacks. If you can't do a full jumping jack, hop in place without moving your feet apart but still move your arms as you normally would.
    6. Do 40 side left lifts. Lay on your side and lift your uppermost leg about a foot and a half from the ground, bring it back down and repeat 20 times. Turn on your other side and repeat with the other leg.
    7. Do 20 scissor kicks. Lay on your back and lift each leg one at a time, about a foot and a half in the air.
    8. Do 20 lunges. Make sure you have about 10 feet of space. Start at one end and step forward with your right foot, bending both your knees, almost like you are going to kneel one one knee, then step forward with your left foot and do the same thing. Go 5 steps in one direction and back then repeat.

    After you are done, do 15 minutes of cardio, such as walking fast, jogging, elliptical, or stationary bike.

    At first I thought it was silly to alternate between exercises where you stand or sit but I realize now it helps keep your heart rate up. I hope this helps someone else because it sure has helped me and I'm feeling really good after doing this routine 5-6 days a week for the last month.
  • Mikaylajayney
    Mikaylajayney Posts: 7 Member
    You can always redeem yourself in the office by being that girl that changed her life and became the rock star. When I'm struggling to stay motivated I check in with future me... and future me is fit, and knows how to eat well, and has fitness and activity built into her life. I'm on my way there... and I just need to stay focused. Build a 'future you' and stay on the path toward her. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • moojiminder
    Amen to that there's only one direction from here. Up :-) I hear your embarrassment and how humilated it felt. I'm not sure this helps at all but when I look back it's those terribly shocking, embarrassing moments that gave me what I needed to get what I really want. Maybe this will be true for you..maybe you will look back at this moment and think of it as your saving grace..who knows. Hang in there!!
  • AmericanExpat
    AmericanExpat Posts: 158 Member
    Thank you guys for all of your support!
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    You can do this! There's no where to go but up now! Don't worry about the people at the office. You are going to show them, and more importantly yourself, that you are capable of doing this - because you absolutely are! And even with how much you have to lose, 9 lbs lost is great - congrats!
  • AmericanExpat
    AmericanExpat Posts: 158 Member
    Thank you for the support!
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    You are not giving up anything but feeling like THAT! :flowerforyou:
  • UticaBoy51
    UticaBoy51 Posts: 344 Member
    Just keep fighting, this isn't easy. If that is the motivation that you need to step it up then use it. Don't do it because you have to, but because you want to. Find that. Good luck! I am rooting for you.
  • daphne_m
    daphne_m Posts: 84
    You're speaking my language. Is it possible to get a PT? Or just try walking. I used to be fat, then fit, then I was skinnyfat, then fat, then, well... the times I've gotten myself a PT are the times I've felt really amazing. At the moment I feel too blimplike to do any real exercise but I drag myself out for a walk most days. You'd be surprised how much fitter you feel after a month of half hour walks.
  • justtodayjen333
    justtodayjen333 Posts: 142 Member
    You can do this! After I worked out regularly for two months, I was amazed and surprised by my strength and endurance--never ever thought I could do what I could do--jogging, swimming, weight lifting, etc. For me, doing a variety of activities really helped, as did interval training (walking/jogging), and weight lifting. Just making the choice to do something and doing it over and over and over! It is doable!!!!
  • AmericanExpat
    AmericanExpat Posts: 158 Member
    You're speaking my language. Is it possible to get a PT? Or just try walking. I used to be fat, then fit, then I was skinnyfat, then fat, then, well... the times I've gotten myself a PT are the times I've felt really amazing. At the moment I feel too blimplike to do any real exercise but I drag myself out for a walk most days. You'd be surprised how much fitter you feel after a month of half hour walks.

    I will look into a PT but I live in Switzerland where everything is crazy expensive so I'm not sure I would be able to afford it. I will start on my own with the Hip Hop Abs initially and reevaluate after a month or two.
  • daphne_m
    daphne_m Posts: 84
    You're speaking my language. Is it possible to get a PT? Or just try walking. I used to be fat, then fit, then I was skinnyfat, then fat, then, well... the times I've gotten myself a PT are the times I've felt really amazing. At the moment I feel too blimplike to do any real exercise but I drag myself out for a walk most days. You'd be surprised how much fitter you feel after a month of half hour walks.

    I will look into a PT but I live in Switzerland where everything is crazy expensive so I'm not sure I would be able to afford it. I will start on my own with the Hip Hop Abs initially and reevaluate after a month or two.

    I feel your pain. A good PT here runs about $90USD for a 45 minute session. I've skimped before and just hired someone affiliated with a local gym and it ended up being totally counter productive. All she wanted to do was sell me potions and pills. A mate of mine is in Geneva two weeks a month and swears it's doing his liver a world of good as he just can't justify spending $$$ on a night out that he could enjoy for half the price back home. Good luck :)
  • bobbyunangst
    I am going to start my Hip Hop Abs and then start using my gym membership. I have already changed my eating habits by I need to incorporate exercise.

    Gyms can get costly. I do all my own cardio at home. Here is one of the many youtube videos I use to get my cardio in at least 3 times a week.

    I started on MFP with a goal of about 90 lbs. After my first month I have lost 10. I am not changing my entire life, just adding the cardio and watching my calories. I wish you the best and ANYONE can feel free to add me as friend. We should all be here to help each other.