What have you learnt from your WLJ?

Hey guys,

Just wondering what have you learnt from ur weight-loss journey so far? These are what I have learnt:
1) Opt for multi-grain and high-fiber carbs
2) Protein rich diet is good for you
3) Understand that even fruits can aid to weight-gain since its high in sugars (eg.grapes, canteloupe, etc.)
4) Learn to stick to ur daily calorie goal!
5) Opt for grilled/steamed/baked versions of meat, rather than deep-fried and oily stuff!
6) a teaspoon of olive oil is about 120 cal! so be careful!
7) Apple cider vinegar suppresses appetite!
8) Have snacks in between main meals
9) Fruit juices that seem healthy are in fact loaded with sugar (unless if its freshly squeezed by you)
10) Foods that say 99% fat free may not be essentially good for you, coz it might be high in sugar
11) Watch your sodium intake..! Sodium leads to water retention and bloating
12) Exercise 3-4 times a week, especially strength training, weight training and cardio combined with weights
13) High protein diet helps in building lean muscles.
14) Muscles burn more calories than fat!
15) Drink plenty of water!!

Please add things you have learnt as well.. :wink:


  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    To quote my fave band, "I know enough to know you gotta move, your idiot body around."

    Moving is good. If you only have time for a 15 minute powerwalk at lunch, DO IT. Don't feel like you need to succomb to the idea that only 10k runs or 2 hours of lifting is a worthwhile work out.
  • I learned that it didn't have to be hard, all I needed were the right tools, I definitely don't look on this as a diet anymore, it's just how we eat, so apart from the logging it's barely registers! Not only that, but eating food for function is more pleasurable than eating for pleasure, I feel far freer now there is structure to my nutrition. I can't even begin to describe what a triumph that is for me.

    Omigod how calorific is BREAD!?! I mean, I knew before people said it was pretty high, but never even thought about it until the numbers were staring me in the face! Not that I think bread is the devil - I freaking love bread. But knowing that eating my way through an entire loaf of freshly cooked homemade bread (mmmMMMmm) will cost me the best part of a days calories is a revelation!

    Sometimes the meals I think will be the lowest calorie-wise end up being the highest. I have a bad tendency to underestimate the amount of calories in pasta / rice, and my portion control was waaaay off. Equally, I could not guess macros to save my life. Getting better now at making better choices and balancing my diet (although getting enough protein is a daily struggle!)