Staying Full.

I have recently taken to eating healthier and I'm finding that I'm just not staying full for long enough. Do you have any suggestions of foods or recipes which will keep me fuller for longer?


  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Pay attention to how much fiber is in what you are eating. The more fiber it has, the longer you will stay full. Also drink lots of water, sometimes our bodies really just need to be hydrated and we mistake it for hunger.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    - Drink allot of water (If you can't stand it, add a lemon wedge, it makes it go down easier).
    - Eat tons of salad, not crazy put everything in it salad, but simple salad - lettuce, cucumber, tomato (super light 15 cal or no dressing)
    - Protein keeps you full longer, nuts, cottage cheese, chicken breast
    - Healthy fats from nuts, avacado, fish, olives, etc
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    In my experience, fiber and protein help keep me full.

    I try to make sure I have at least one serving of fruits or veggies with every meal (fiber). I also try to have meat with every meal (or vegetarian substitute if the mood strikes me). I also find that it helps to have a really filling breakfast to start the day off well. If I don't fill up at breakfast, I'm hungry for the rest of the day!

    I almost always have scrambled eggs (1 whole egg and 1 egg white). Sometimes I'll make myself a breakfast sandwich: 1 multi grain English muffin, 1 slice 2% cheese, 2 slices deli ham, scrambled eggs. Just toast the English muffin and add everything else. I like to toss the ham in the pan I scrambled the eggs in to help get some of the extra moisture out and to bring out the flavor a bit more.
    If I'm feeling more lazy I'll just scramble some eggs, cut up an orange (or banana, or strawberries, etc) and toast a low-fat eggo and top it with some natural peanut butter. (Peanut butter really fills me up.)

    For lunches I have sandwiches or leftovers, generally.

    For dinner I usually have meat and some sort of pasta (some people aren't fans of pasta, but it helps keep my energy level up and is really filling). I use whole wheat pasta and stick to the serving size and I haven't had any problems yet.
  • lauraparkerrr
    lauraparkerrr Posts: 86 Member