Weight loss after 40

I'm 5' 5"...ok 5' 4 3/4"
And I'm 43.

All my teen and adult life I weighed between 115-120 (except for 4 pregnancies). About 4 years ago I met then married the man of my dreams after being a divorced single mom for 14 years! Then came the 'happy weight'...ugh! Now that I'm past 40 it's coming off a lot slower than it did after I had my last baby at age 24.

I started working out and logging my food around the middle of January. On Jan 18 I weighed 151 lbs. Today I weigh 144. This still doesn't feel like an accomplishment since I've been bouncing around the 140's for the last 2 years.

I'm frustrated that I'm net seeing any results. My hormones are a mess and I gain weight around ovulation and my period that do not come back off within the next week. I'm also not seeing a change in how my clothes fit me...which I would be happy with. The number on the scale isn't as important to me as being happy and comfortable in my body.

I admit that while I have no difficulty keeping to the calorie count, I do make room in it for my empty calories (which I have cut drastically already) that I will have to work at replacing, but that will come slowly until I find a better replacement that satisfies me.

I work out 4-5 days a week. Mostly cardio with a little strength training. As for the cardio, I kick my butt seriously hard...lol. The way I see it, if I'm not a nasty sweaty mess when I'm done, then I just wasting my time :)

I'm just curious, anyone else having trouble losing weight after 40?


  • Ummmmmmmmmmmmm YES,
  • MichiganJen
    MichiganJen Posts: 40 Member
    I'm starting to think its darn near impossible!
  • Lat1naCurv3s
    Lat1naCurv3s Posts: 10 Member
    Hola! I'm also past 40, will be 43 this year. And I'm finding what I used to do before to drop weight isn't working for me any more. Therefore, I want to try something different. I know that cutting back sugar and carbs has helped me. But with limiting my carbs it doesn't leave me with a lot of energy to work out. Then I came across this, what I will call, lifestyle. I'm familiar with eating clean. However, I've always been that person to also drop my calories drastically low to below 1,200 per day. Cutting my calories isn't cutting my weight like it had in the past. I sort of feel like I'm all over the place!

    As a result my works out have suffered... but I've committed myself to a woman's morning boot-camp three times per week. Really hoping the friends I make will help to motivate me to make a REAL difference. But I fear that because I'm over 40 it'll be harder. Hoping not and keeping positive about this new venture.

    Glad to be a part of the group! =)
  • jillconner
    oh yea, i am 51 and i am going throught the change all women go through, and i have spoken with several people and they all say not only when you hit the 40 mark but add the change of life into the mix and it is so hard to get rid of. its right in the gut, and that is the hardest place to loose. i have been going to the ymca every am doing the tread mill, cycling, and then classes, this has been now 2 months, i have lost eight pounds. i dont see in my clothes or feel it. so now i have started jillian michaels 30 day shred, i feel the same way if i am not sore then i dont feel like i am not doing something right. but i am told by other people and my doctor that it takes time, and to not give up . so just keep going and we will see and feel the difference soon!!!
  • sbussert
    sbussert Posts: 72 Member
    Oh yeah. I've also found it takes a bit longer to recover... Whoo hoo!!!
  • LeslieN65
    LeslieN65 Posts: 127 Member
    Same here...not losing as much as fast and also..that little lower ab area is a beast to work on!!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    At about 40 your body decides you don't have much time left(it still thinks you are a caveman), so it shuts down some hormones and even your DNA starts making mistakes.
    The severity of this depends on lifestyle, genetics, etc.......

    So to answer your question, it happens to everyone.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    It's a bit slower, but doable. I turned 49 in Aug and have lost 39 lbs since then. I find I need a lot fewer calories than the younger women, and I have to be very accurate in my logging and watch my macros closely to make sure I get enough protein and healthy fats in.
    But no more just, 'watching what you eat and cutting back a little'. I have to be consistent and patient. I am thrilled with one pound a week fairly steady now. Gone are the days of 2-3 pounds a week back in my 20s.

    But it is definitely worth it. I have gone from 22 jeans down to 12/14 and feel better than I have in years.

    BTW, I am a fellow North Texan. Just east of Denton.
  • DonnaNCgirl
    DonnaNCgirl Posts: 372
    I lost weight, but didn't work on building muscle underneath all the fat that was coming off. I lost 94 lbs without much trouble. I guess I was pretty lucky that way. When I accepted the mistake I made (can anyone say denial?) I recently started lifting, found out how weak I was, and am increasing my strength and LBM week by week. The worst thing about it is I don't think I'll see results as quickly as I did with the weight loss.
  • randoswife
    randoswife Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks guys!

    I knew, in theory, that it wasn't just me. Just hearing from y'all makes me feel better!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    It CAN be done! I'm 53! Been on MFP since Sept. 2012. But yeah, my midsection may never be flat again, but I sure am healthier!
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    I will be 43 this year and totally understand how it is not as easy as you get older. It can be done, just takes a lot of patience and dedication. My 1 yr mark on MFP is coming up on March 22nd and just finally hitting my goal! Best of luck to you, you got this!
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    I'm 55 and have lost 60 lbs in the past year. However, the proportions aren't the same anymore. That middle is just so darn thick, no matter how much I lose.