10 in 10



  • Shenanagins85
    Shenanagins85 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm not doing a detox. I can't go without food for that long.

    If your interest friend me, we will see what we can do and help eachother out
    Post results here or on your update page just mention the challenge.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    So this is the Paleo diet? Thanks for posting. I wondered what it was.

    Interesting. Potatoes and corn are not processed and can be gathered where I'm from. We don't gather whey protein or vitamins, though. : )

    Honestly, this isn't a ton different from my diet now with MFP on my calorie goal they gave me, and I'm not losing 10 pounds a week, I can tell you that. Must be that rice crispy treat and 100 calorie popcorn holding me back. : )

    Actually, although potatoes can be gathered here as well. It is just that it is a farming product and I guess we are to avoid farming products at least for the first ten days, but I don't know why. Yet add dairy. I am far from an expert, but because I had read this a few places, I thought I would post it because it didn't seem like bad advice. No matter, it can't hurt anyone. I am going to try it and post my results, it will be interesting. BTW, it is probably the rice crispy treats and popcorn, I suppose. That is a great a great corn product though.

    Paleo isn't about what you can hunt or gather now. Think of it as PRIMAL. Like if you were a caveman what food would you have access to??? Meats (free-range, hormone-free), Eggs, vegetable, fruits, etc. Think pre-agriculture.

    No legumes, wheat, dairy, etc. Post-agricultural foods.

    Check out Nerd Fitness or Mark's Daily Apple for a more in depth discussion on Paleo.

    I personally don't 100% buy into the Primal concept but I think the foundational aspects of eating whole, unprocessed foods is forefront to health and fitness.

    I do paleo and this is not the way to do it! I challenged myself with Paleo to restrict processed food and "bad" carbs. It is Pre-agriculture as stated above. It is helping me reshape my body but not in a let me drop weight as fast as possible way. There is still the concept of eating right and eating enough carbs/fats/protein to keep the body moving and strong on a daily basis.