Help - weight loss problem

I was losing weight eating around 800-900 calories, but now I am at a stalemate. Per my trainer I upped my calories to around 1200 and I still have not lost anything. In fact I have gained back 2 pounds. I have been at the 1200 calories for about 2 weeks now. Should I go back to where I was in the beginning or up my calories even more? I do weight lifting 2-3 times a week for 45 minutes and I am jogging every other day during the week from 30-45 minutes.


  • browneyes97
    You need a minimum of 1200 calories. Please don't eat less than that, or your body will shut down and go into starvation mode.
    You may even need to make it higher than 1200 calories. Try drinking more water and don't get discouraged, weight loss takes time. I gain weight at least 1 week a month but then lose it and then some.

    I know there are some threads on here that could help you; I'm not tech savvy enough to link them for you though. Sorry.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Open your food diary.

    How long were you eating that amount?
    How long have you been working out?
    How do you measure you food?
    Do you log everything?
    what is your height, current weight and goal weight?
  • PiperGabrielle
    PiperGabrielle Posts: 31 Member
    This link has an explanation on why you shouldn't reduce your calories that much
    You should try building muscle then your body will need more calories to function and you will lose more weight.
  • tneedham78
    I just opened my dairy for viewing. Yes, I do list everything in my dairy. Though I must say that I had family in town this last weekend and I did have some sweets which is unusual for me. Currently, I'm at 169.8 and I am 5'3" I have been working every hard over the last year to get back to my normal weight. Last year in January I weighed 212lbs so I have done well, but for the last month nothing. I bounce back and forth 3lbs.
  • tneedham78
    If I look at my goals it says 1780 so if I multiple it my .80 then I should eat 1424 daily. If I don't work out that day for some reason wouldn't I gain weight? I have a difficult time eating up to 1200 calories. I have noticed here lately that I have been consuming empty calories just to get up to 1200 in the first place. I couldn't image how to get to a healthy 1424 calories daily
  • sugaknight
    I'm 5'7 weight 187 I'm trying to lose weight nothing working any advise. I hate looking at my self I always was 125. Til I had a child but that's not an excuse she's 5 already :( I need help, advise!!!!!..
  • sugaknight
    Inbox me please