If you're losing slower than you would like to....



  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    You know, even when you watch tv shows like the biggest loser. They have weeks where they count calories and they've worked out really hard in the gym and to lose 1 or two pounds. The point is they are still losing or at least maintaining. The weight will come off provided you remain dedicated to your new lifestyle, it's really that simple. Will you be discouraged along the way, absolutely, will it be easy, probably not, will it frustrate you, yup, but I can guarantee you that if you stick with it you WILL see the weight come off, and that will hopefully be your motivation to stay dedicated and true to yourself, the only one who loses is you, you're the only one accountable for your actions or lack there of. You'll need to tweak your workouts and maybe even refine your diet again at some point, but your body and health are worth the fight.
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member
    I always feel so bad when they weigh in and they've worked SOOOOO hard and the only measure they accept is the number on the scale. I also have a very strange out look on weigh ins though. lol

    I weigh every single day, but if I see a gain, I just assume it's water weight and take it as a sign to be more careful to drink my water and watch my salt that day. Any time I see a loss on the scale, I update my stats on MFP. Sometimes I update three times in a week, sometimes I update three weeks at a time. lol The scale doesn't make or break you, or it shouldn't. It's a tool, and only a rough estimate of how you're doing anyway.
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks for this reminder. Never looked at it from that perspective. Although, by no means am I going to stop what I am doing....but, I do need to stop beating myself up over a bummed week. I will workout hard, and eat good and clean and then have a f'ng fit when the scale doesen't reflect....I want to be rewarded IMMEDIATELY for my hard work....LOL...so I do have to get out of that mind frame and know, that if I keep doing what I am doing, nothing but good will come of it. I remember when I first came to this board I was so much in denial and couldn't believe that I COULD LOVE 20LBS....hey, I'm knocking on 30lbs lost now! Thanks again for this post....it put so much stuff in perspective!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Ladies need to pay attention to where they are in their menstrual cycle. I keep getting upset with the 2 extra pounds I'm carrying this week but I can tell I'm bloated. I'm due to start any minute and I always carry a few extra pounds. All I can do is keep eating right, keep exercising, watch my sodium, and keep drinking my water. Within a few days this should be gone. It helps to look back at my weigh in from a month ago and realize that I'm still smaller than I was then.
  • maximouse
    maximouse Posts: 28 Member

    Ahhh, really glad of this post - thankyou! - I'm fairly new; I've been on MFP for 3 weeks and have only lost 1.5lbs - its been very hard work for what feels like very little reward (I didn't lose anything in first 2 wks) and its been ok til tdy......now I'm desparate to raid the work canteen :oS

    I keep thinking.....though I'm not losing weight (fast or otherwise) junk food isn't going to help this cause so I'd better try keep going ;o) Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one on this slow train.......but would love a few miracles a long the way to keep me motivated!! Think I might start eating volcanic dust - thats gotta be low fat/carb/sugar........surely?!!? Hehee xxxx