How did you stay motivated while trying to lose 100 pnds?



  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    why do you need motivation if you already cheated to win the game?????

    my question is not meant to offend

    And here we go with the ignorance!

    it is far from ignorant; i was on my death bed from weight was cooped up in a hospital for 9 days with tubes and all kinds of other **** coming out of my body but i didnt take the easy way out.

    so i want to know why does one need to be motivated when they have had surgery. isnt the hard part done?

    Who said it was the easy way out? And who defines what is "hard"? Each person is different. Stop making assumptions about other people and their lives. Often times, people can gain the weight back after a surgery, so you STILL have to watch what you eat and work out. My sister gained most of her weight back after weightloss surgery. It is, and will always be, a struggle.
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    why do you need motivation if you already cheated to win the game?????

    my question is not meant to offend

    Huh, because it absolutely is offensive. So there's that.
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    the problem with this world and most of the people on this forum is everyone wants results but nobody wants to work hard.

    again no offense to anyone but if you get off your butt eat a little less workout a little more you will see results. nothing anyone else says or does will ever motivate you to do anything. motivation comes from within so until you dig deep down within yourself you will not find the motivation you need.

    all those childhood books your read and movies you watched the morale of the story was always to search within for the answers so now is the time for you to put you big girl panties on and search within yourself for your motivation.

    you can say i am blunt you can say i am an a hole but the truth is the truth and sometimes everyone needs to hear the truth...

    Why do you keep saying no offence, when you clearly came into a thread posted by someone who had WLS and have gone out of your want to be offensive?

    I have probably been trolled and lost here.
  • denisebrinkley
    Please share some pointers and tips.....please.

    Thank you
  • Miss_Jenna
    The first step to losing weight is 100% mental. My biggest motivation is to be thinner for an upcoming cruise. I don't want to be too heavy to do some of the excursions if there is a weight limit. I'd like to be able to put on a wetsuit if needed or not worry about if I'm going to fit in the roller coaster ride. Another source of motivation is to fit into my old clothes. I've kept a pair of jeans for 13 years that I used to wear in Jr. High. I have so many old clothes because I've been telling myself for years that I'm going to lose the weight. Lately it's gotten harder and harder to work out. I force myself to get dressed and put my shoes on and just do it. I think of how I'll feel after the workout when I'm tired and sweaty. I think of how good the shower after will feel and how proud I will be of myself. I think about how my workout tonight will affect the number on the scale tomorrow morning. The hardest part of working out is showing up.

    I cut out all candy/ice cream (that's my personal weakness) since the beginning of March. Went cold turkey. I had major headaches the first few days, but that has subsided and right now I never want to each that junk again. As for McDonalds (and all fast food chains), do some research about what's in their food and how Tyson treats their chickens. Once you see what's in their food and what it does to your body, you won't want to eat it again! If not for the animal cruelty, for the pure fat and the fact that chemicals are added so that you trick your brain into eating more when you've already had your fill. It affects salads too.

    For the British:

    For the Americans:

    Our bodies are machines and we are exactly what we eat. I would never recommend any fast food joint, not even one time!
    If your body could audibly speak to you, do you think it'd ask for a Big Mac or for fresh vegetables and grilled chicken?
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Would it help if you allowed yourself to have a cheeseburger (or chicken nuggets or fries or whatever) once a week as a treat? It would help keep you motivated throughout the week instead of feeling deprived. You could even make it a challenge for yourself, something like, "If I exercise for X amount of time X number of days this week, I can have McDonald's for lunch on Saturday." If you don't exercise, you don't get your treat. You're only accountable to yourself, so you have to be honest about it.

    I found that once I started eating fast food once per week, I got to a point where I recognized myself feeling horrible after I ate it. After eating well all week, my body reacted to the salt and sugar. I felt bloated and awful. Eventually, I got to a point where now I don't even want it anymore. Every so often, I feel like having a Big Mac, but we're talking maybe once every month or two. I get my Big Mac, eat it, enjoy it, and don't want it again for another month or two.

    I hope that helps. :)
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    Forget the stupid insulting people, and congratulations on your very significant weight loss so far that has already made you much healthier.

    Obviously, I'm nowhere near where you were, but before I even started the MFP journey, my husband and I worked with a nutritionist who taught us about whole foods, use of fruits and vegetables, keeping blood sugar stable and gave us this really good advice: If you['re going to succeed long term, you have to learn to love your new foods. In other words, We're not going to have the will over the long haul if we're not really happy with our food and we keep craving the stuff that got us to this point in the first place.

    She taught us ideas and even recipes for making healthy foods that were delicious and pretty easy, Like lasagna that uses broiled eggplant in place of the noodles. I'm not a huge vegetable loved all on my own, but if I cut them up and roast them well, they're like the biggest treat. Peanut stew, Turkish stew, stuffed mushrooms, they're all so much yummier than McDonald'd--but I have to admit that although we're all loving our healthy, lower-calorie foods, it's a lot of food prep.

    She also taught us her trick for avoiding junk food, which is to "undress" it. When she thinks of a hamburger bun, she just imagines sees a pile of white flower and yeast with water thrown in. She pictures the pink slime that fast-food hamburgers include. You know, most hamburger is made form bits and pieces of a whole lot of different cows. It's not like they took a nice steak or roast and put it through the grinder for you. She taught us to chop and saute a peeled apple, onion, a little garlic, add a little red pepper flakes, and mix it in with ground chicken or turkey breast to make a hamburger that's juicy and so yummy. It's kind of hard to get turned on by McDonald's when you can have a burger like that. My teenager asks for them, so you know they have to be pretty tempting.
  • naturallyme36
    naturallyme36 Posts: 155 Member
    Stop overthinking the whole process and just live YOUR best life. The one YOU dream about, talk about and sing about. This is YOUR journey and the choices that YOU make are YOURS. Hold yourself accountable for everything that YOU do in life and do not look back years from now and wonder what happened to the precious time that you spent obsessing over the " spilled milk". Stay close to Mother Earth and ask YOUR Higher Power to give YOU the strength to know how to embrace all that she (mother earth) has to offer you and there You will find YOUR peace and YOUR answers that YOU are looking for. Good Luck to you while you travel on this journey and I pray that this road leads you to a place that you can sit back, take a deep breath and feel that it was all worth it!!!!!!:flowerforyou: