
is it bad to go over my calcium goal by 45g? my goal is set at 100 but as i was planning my meal for the day, it has gone over by 45...can this be bad? i'm also wondering because there is a chance i may be pregnant :happy: and i want to make sure i'm taking care of my body. thanks in advance for you advice everyone!


  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    Ok, do you mean that your goal is 100mg? Cuz, 100g of calcium would be 100,000mg and women only need to intake 1,200-1,500mg of calcium/day I'm pretty sure.
  • spritie
    spritie Posts: 167
    The site does not calculate micronutrients in mg. It just uses % of the US RDI.

    So that means you would be getting around 1500mg of calcium. I would check what the upper limit recommendation would be, but I doubt you'll get toxicity from only 145%, UL at least here the AUS are usually at around 300%.

    So you should be fine. :)
  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    Oh, I see. When I checked, I didn't even have the option to calculate calcium on my food log. Even when I went into options, it was not one of them.