Weight loss plateau

Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well and are reaching toward your goals!

This is the end of my 9th consecutive week working out ( i like to run and work out arms/legs/abs alternatively) and eating on the paleo diet.

I feel great, I'm not eating processed foods, and I'm running Monday-Friday and I take a spin class on the weekends.

My endurance has increased as well as my stamina and speed.
In the beginning of my work out I was only able to run at 5.3 mph on the treadmill and now I can run 3 miles at 5.9 mph (roughly 30-31 mins)

I'm 5'7 and i started out at 164 (my highest weight ever) and its the end of my 9th week and I am only at 160.

I know weight loss is a long long journey but I do honestly feel like I'm stuck at a plateau - I have been "stuck" at 160 for 2-3 weeks now. And don't get me wrong - what could be keeping the weight on is just the fact that I'm toning and gaining muscle, but I would really like to loose at least 10 pounds for now.

I make mini goals for myself as far as what I can do at the gym and now I need to make goals for myself as far as weight loss!

Anyone else here been in this position? Have any suggestions?

I just recently tried running at 30 second sprints throughout my morning runs, it's amazing that I can even run at 6.5 mph speed so I'm definitely doing that.. I'm also thinking about restricting a bit of what I eat.

I just recently got into green smoothies and I have one after my workout meal .. Usually it's 2 c spinach, 1 banana, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1/4 c blueberries and 1 c almond milk

I have a feeling that this might be too heavy of a breakfast for me ... And I should stick to water based protein shakes instead

I also don't eat much after work but I'm thinking of restricting after 7pm and just drink water/tea after 7.

Looking forward to hearing your views about this. Thank you all,