working moms - dinner



  • flexdirectcpr
    flexdirectcpr Posts: 103 Member
    These sound great. Bump for later.
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    My go-to favorites:

    Meaty Monday: Steak, veggies and rice

    Taco Tuesday: Tacos and salad

    Wacky Wednesday: I let the kids choose whatever they want - ham sandwiches, meatballs and pasta, pork roast and cinnamon apples, broccoli and beef, bacon wrapped chicken,

    Thoughtless Thursday: Crockpot dinner of some sort - pulled pork/chicken sandwiches, roast beef, Bleu Cheese Flank Steak, ravioli and spinach, Applesauce chicken, Pinapple Chicken (BIG FAVORITE: Chicken--can of pineapple chunks--1/4 cup soy sauce (Tamari wheat free or La Choy are gluten free)--1 t red pepper flakes--SET AND FORGET IT!), Sweet potato chili

    Friday: Dominos pizza
  • theresamay
    theresamay Posts: 3 Member
    I prepare food on Sundays - I plan out the week and make a menu that stays on my fridge, I do a lot of crock pot cooking also - or i make it up on Sunday and freeze it - I use the sites below a LOT

    You're pinterest will probably look like I'm stalking you! :) I repinned a bunch of recipes!
  • bellyboosmom
    bellyboosmom Posts: 55 Member
    A friend of mine taught me a great trick some time back. I knew I needed to do menu planning, but honestly what single, working mom has time for that? Then, she taught me an easy way. Every week we eat the same type of food on any given night. This way, I can get whatever looks fresh at the grocery store on the weekend, and still stick to my plan. I don't write up a whole month and say on the 1st we'll have steak, on the 2nd we'll have macaroni. I would never be able to stick to that. Here is what my menu looks like.

    Monday-meat & potatoes (steak & baked, chops & mashed, grilled chicken & home fries) I always grill extra meat and make extra veggies to throw in the freezer for soups.

    Tuesday- Mexican (quesadillas, tacos, burritos, enchiladas, taco salad, etc...)

    Wednesday-I alternate weeks. Weeks 1&3 are breakfast, and weeks 2&4 are sandwiches and homemade soup. I usually have leftover meat from Monday that I can use for a soupbase, or for the sandwiches.

    Thursday-Italian/or pasta night (spaghetti, shrimp linguini, ravioli, any type of pasta with homemade marinara made from roma tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, garlic, & takes longer to boil the pasta than it does to make the sauce!) I have also been known to do mac & cheese with turkey kielbasa on pasta night

    Friday-weeks 1 & 3 are pizza (homemade) and weeks 2 & 4 are seafood. (tilapia, crab cakes, shrimp scampi. I chose Friday for this as I am Catholic, and it made it easy to not eat meat on Friday's during Lent, if I just didn't eat it all year :) I make veggie pizzas during Lent, and build your own pizzas the rest of the week.

    This makes it easy for me. Every morning as I am putting on my coffee, I think about which day it is, and what I can throw together that night. I lay out ground beef or turkey for tacos, or put the pasta on the counter that I plan to make when I get home. Easy, peasy, lemon-squeezy :P
  • lheyens
    lheyens Posts: 62
    During the week my crockpot! weekends I cook a lot and freeze it. pull it out as necessarily. I like to make my food go far haha.
    Pizza nights are always fun also for a friday night, make some pizza with the kids :)
    Big salads with fruit in it, my son loves buns so Ill do burgers or our new favourite is a sweet potato burger. :)
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    save for later!