HI Everyone!
So, I am going home for spring break. I haven't been home since January 14th. Since then, I have lost 12 pounds. Every time I go home I always get laughed at by my family members and they like to make jokes. (that's why i don't really talk to them about my weight loss).. But then there are other family members that like to give me weight loss "advice".. Like how I should fast by just drinking oatmeal water or eating soup everyday .... -__- .. they know nothing about weight loss! My mom is overweight even though she has lost a lot, but still likes to tell me how to "lose it"..

Anyways, I need some advice on learning how to ignore them. Do any of you go through this? & When I do get discouraged I tend to eat (A LOT)... of junk! I binge eat when I am really discouraged.. Please help!! I don't want to come back to school being like 10 pounds heavier! (it has happened before!)

Thanks! & Sorry for rambling off...


  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    Aside from asking them to not make jokes or give you unsolicited advice about your weight loss, which I assume you did and they haven't stopped, there's not much you can do about it. Just know that your weight loss is yours alone and what may work for your mother may not work for you. You've lost weight so far so you ARE doing something right. Keep at it, don't get discouraged!
  • rach503
    rach503 Posts: 86 Member
    Not sure if this would help you, but here's how I would handle it. I would grab a pen and paper and write down what my "truths" were. For instance: "I have lost 12 pounds." "I know how to eat responsibly." "Eating healthful balanced meals gives me energy." etc. That way I could duck out of the room, pull it out and reassure myself with what I know to be true. I would also avoid engaging them in conversations regarding their tips. From my perspective, drinking oatmeal water isn't a safe or sustainable way to improve health and lose weight -- but if they believe that, they probably aren't approaching it the same way I am. To me, it wouldn't be worth it to try and "reason" with them on my beliefs.

    Good luck going home, keep your head up - you are doing great!!!!! 12 pounds since January 14th is so impressive, don't let them get to you! : )
  • EpicMeyri
    EpicMeyri Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks both for replying.. Rach503 I think you are right, I need to avoid engaging in their convo. I'll just walk by and say thanks. I am gonna do it, I am NOT gonna gain weight due to eating during my spring break..
    THANK YOU! :)
  • rach503
    rach503 Posts: 86 Member
    Sure thing! It's easy to get pulled off track by outside forces - but you clearly know what to do chica! You're kickin' butt at this!!!
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    HI Everyone!
    So, I am going home for spring break. I haven't been home since January 14th. Since then, I have lost 12 pounds. Every time I go home I always get laughed at by my family members and they like to make jokes. (that's why i don't really talk to them about my weight loss).. But then there are other family members that like to give me weight loss "advice".. Like how I should fast by just drinking oatmeal water or eating soup everyday .... -__- .. they know nothing about weight loss! My mom is overweight even though she has lost a lot, but still likes to tell me how to "lose it"..

    Anyways, I need some advice on learning how to ignore them. Do any of you go through this? & When I do get discouraged I tend to eat (A LOT)... of junk! I binge eat when I am really discouraged.. Please help!! I don't want to come back to school being like 10 pounds heavier! (it has happened before!)

    Thanks! & Sorry for rambling off...

    I totally know what you mean. When I am on a weight loss journey I get really excited about my accomplishments, but when I talk to others who are not on a weight loss journey they are never really interested. Which is why I like participating in a group where everyone is in the same boat.

    So, you might want to check out the Boot Camp that I recently set up on this site.

    Today is weigh in day so you would be starting off on a brand new week. Come and Join Us!

    If you are looking for motivation, support, and accountabilty to lose weight and reach your goals. Then you should check out this Boot Camp. We are a group of people who are committed to eating right, exercising, losing weight and reaching our goals for a healthier life.

    This group is for everyone who wants to losing weight and needs the help, support, and motivation from others on the same journey. This will be an ongoing boot camp where you will be challenged to exercise, eat right and improve your overall health.

    There will be a weekly weigh in and plenty of challenges to get you motivated to reach your goals.

  • SandraJane2013
    SandraJane2013 Posts: 16 Member
    "I understand that I am overweight, and I also understand that you are concerned and want to help, but this journey to health is mine and mine alone. Know that I am actively working on improving my overall health and know that I have goals, but I will not be jumping on the next fad diet, as I already have a plan in place. I do not want to talk anymore about this topic as it takes up so much of my waking life already. I want to enjoy this visit with my family, rather than have hurt feelings and anxiety the whole time I am here. So, tell me about the most interesting thing you did since I last saw you."

    Sometimes they just need to know that you are aware and are working on things, sometimes they need to be told to stop, but always, as the conversation moves back to the same old stuff, they need help moving onto a new topic - family, oh boy. Good Luck and be strong.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Cogratulations!!! You have already taken the first step in dealing with the upcoming situation. You are being "pro-active". You are making a plan ahead of time and that will be the best thing you can do.

    We're rooting for you.:smile: