So discouraged

Since January I've been working out, changing my eating habits, changing my sleeping habits, and unfortuantely have pretty much given up sweets. Since January I have managed to lose 10 pounds. My coworker started weight watchers in January, hasn't worked out a bit, and barely leaves her desk and has managed to lose 25 pounds. I know that muscle weighs more than fat, but am I doing something wrong? What can I do more of that will help me? I've also started to plateau with the weight loss and the measurements already which I don't like. Is there a way to jump start this again?


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Sound like you are doing 2 things wrong...

    1) you are comparing your progress to someone else's. It's hard not to do, I get it, and most of us do it at times... but it's a killer to your motivation and discipline.

    2) you are expecting results too quickly and discounting slow progress. Slow progress is still progress. 10lbs in 10 weeks is actually pretty good.
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    You should compare yourself to that person after you lost the fat and then see who looks better: you, who exercised the all time and ate well, or that person, who was on a diet, which is not sustainable for all life and no exercise.... Trust me, continue what you are doing, is the right way!
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    Remember one thing, the scale is not always right (are you guys using the same scale), just beacuse the number is higher or different doesnt mean you are any less healthy, you are doing a great job of being active, and if you keep your diet healthy just let your body do the work... do your clothes fit better, do you feel better in general (minus stressing over someone elses weight), though the scale is an easy way to "measure healthy" in the grand scheme of healthy its a splash in the pan .. at the end of the day be proud of the hard work, dont spoil by worrying about someone elses progress. And does what anyone else do matter to you being healthy, yeah its fun to compare or have someone to compete with but is that really what you want? No you yourself want to be healthy.Good luck
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    Some people lose weight faster than others! It doesn't mean they are better, it's just how their body is. I'm sure your co-worker is looking around at her WW meeting and seeing someone who has last 35 pounds since January and wondering what that person is doing different than her. Ten pounds since January, especially if you are close to or already in your healthy weight range, is awesome!
  • microscrubbers
    microscrubbers Posts: 22 Member
    Never compare yourself to others. You don't know if she is starving herself or anything else. Like others have said, it's more about how you feel. Keep motivated and maybe change things up a little at the gym. I personally started to plateau until I started adding different things at the gym (i.e. swimming), DON'T QUIT. I've been there and done that too many times only to regret it later. Like others have said, the wheels are turning slowing, but they are still turning....! Keep it up.