1.5 months of TDEE-20% ...and stumped!

Hey everyone!

Question for those doing "In Place of a Roadmap"... I haven't seen a decrease in the scale since I started following TDEE-20% about 1.5 months ago.. in fact, it's come up about 3 pounds and is now just hovering there. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or what I need to change up...

FYI, my stats are:
BMR - 1450
Light TDEE - 2052
Moderate TDEE - 2313

I've been working towards my light TDEE-20%... 1641. I rounded up to 1700 daily to make tracking easier.

My calorie burn levels can vary pretty greatly throughout a week, and I'm wondering if this has anything to do with it. For example, so far this week has looked like:

Saturday - Traveling, rest day; 1934 cal consumed
Sunday - 4.3 mi run (568 cal - HRM); 1694 cal consumed
Monday - Nike Training Club, Strength Training (304 cal - HRM); 1546 cal consumed
Tuesday - 5K run, 2 hr dance class (1297 cal - HRM); 1667 cal consumed
Wednesday - Rest day; 1649 cal consumed
Thursday - 2.5 mi run, 2 hr dance class, beginner's barbell squats (1056 cal - HRM); 1660 cal consumed

Excepting one week in the past 1.5 months when I had a business trip and had to eat out the whole time, I eat GOOD calories -- veggies, plenty of protein, low carbs/grains, healthy fats. In moderation, I do still have sweets (love dark chocolate!) and alcohol, but only that fit in my calories for the day. I've had a few rare days where I've been slightly over my calorie goal (ie. this Saturday), but never outrageously so.

I don't have a ton of weight to lose -- I'd be very happy losing about 15 pounds, and my reach goal is 20.

I'm wondering why I've had such a long standstill in progress... Would appreciate advice/insight from those who have "been there, done that".

Anybody experience a similarly slow start to progress when working with TDEE-20% or have ideas as to why it's not working for me? I've been trying to be very patient, but 1.5 months with nothing to show for it seems like longer than usual...



  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Your underestimating your activity level.. your not lightly active.. The bigger the deficit with not much to lose will not make you see much change.. try increasing your calories slowly to moderate activity and see if any change happens after 2 months.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Based on those totals, you are only netting an average of 1150/day for those 6 days. That seems really low for how close you are and how much you do. I would definitely second the recommendation to up your calories. I think you could go up a couple hundred and still be OK but maybe start slower if you are cautious about it. I think you need to be fueling yourself more!
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    Read this:


    I think this is going to help me a lot. I was actually over eating throughout the week and didn't even realize it when I just based everything on TDEE minus 20%.

    My BMR is very close to yours by the way (1431 for me).

    I took my BMR * 1.2 to determine my rested TDEE. Then I took minus 20%. That is the amount that I am eating on non-workout days. When I workout, I am using a heart rate monitor and I am eating back the calories that I burn.