Nutrition and Fitness Ideas

My students are preparing to do a group of workshops with district patrons on fitness and nutrition ideas that everyone could do.
Our research indicates alarming statistics among our elementary students (K - 5). 44% are overweight or obese!

So - I'm curious what ideas people here have for the following:

Squeeze it in -- fitness in 10 minute chunks throughout the day

Family fitness-- things you can do together

Healthy meal ideas for the family

Lunch packing tips

Make it half -- fruits and vegetables should be half of your plate

Thanks for any input you may have!


  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    My students are preparing to do a group of workshops with district patrons on fitness and nutrition ideas that everyone could do.
    Our research indicates alarming statistics among our elementary students (K - 5). 44% are overweight or obese!

    So - I'm curious what ideas people here have for the following:

    Squeeze it in -- fitness in 10 minute chunks throughout the day

    Family fitness-- things you can do together

    Healthy meal ideas for the family

    Lunch packing tips

    Make it half -- fruits and vegetables should be half of your plate

    Thanks for any input you may have!

    In the winter our family likes to go sledding, not much of a workout but once you have to climb back up that hill you realize it is. We also play Kinect sports quite a bit.

    In the spring/fall/summer we go for family bike rides, we play tennis, volleyball, pretty much any sport.

    Healthy snacks and meals - I find if I can put it on a stick (like a kabob) the kids get a kick out of it, fruits and veggies, or cheese, anything. If its fun, they'll eat it!

    I also ask them what better choices would be oreos or graham crakers, apple or fruit snack...etc. Keeping them involved in the process helps them learn, and shows them they have control over their diets and its important to make healthy decisions. We write our grocery list as a family every Saturday before we leave the house. This also helps us save money.