Zumba Rush xbox.

Anybody else do zumba or zumba rush on the xbox? I did 20 min of zumba rush and it said I burned 432 calories. I don't think that's right. It sounds to good to be true. I'm 5 foot 6 inches and weigh 166 pounds. I don't have a HRM, how do I calculate the calories burned?


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    On the Wii, the score does not correlate to calories burned. If I get through all the stages, I "burn" 500-600 whether it was an hour long Zumbathon or a four minute song.

    I just enter Zumba as aerobic dance.

    I do get conflicted because my heart rate doesn't get as high as lindy hop, but I figure it all comes out in the wash.
  • meet_my_goal
    I have the same question. I attend an actual party 2 nights each week, 1 hour each. It's intense, let me tell you. The Zumba calculators I've seen on various websites state that I burn 800+ calories each time but I feel the same as you... has to be too good to be true. So I log my exercise as dancing and its 470 calories burned I think. I also have the Zumba video game for the Wii and I'd love to do it on the evenings but I'm wondering about the caloric issue too. Not sure what to do really.
  • kelseyg22
    kelseyg22 Posts: 25 Member
    I too have been doing zumba - as i add the excercise to my fitness pal, i put it under dancing. I also have the "calories burned calculator app" that you can put in the excercise you do and see how much calories you have burned. That almost always doubles the calories burned....I figure that is more accurate as zumba is more than dancing (at least it feels like it) :)
  • missyj1115
    missyj1115 Posts: 1,220 Member
    GET A Heart Rate Monitor!!! That truly is the only way to accurately account for calories burned. There
    are ones out there that do not cost an arm and a leg and I highly suggest it. There are
    way to many factors when it comes to ones body and how fast you get the ole heart a pumpin!!

    I love mine I have a watch and a chest strap I got at walmart and I couldn't be happier! When entering
    an exercise off of MFP without a HRM I found the numbers were WAY OFF!! With Zumba depending on the exercise
    you can burn anywhere from 200-800 calories depending on the length of the workout and how much
    effort you put into it!
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    I do..I've done all of them...the first two Zumba/Zumba Rush WAY overestimate...of course it depends on your heart rate/weight/height ect...the game doesn't take an of that into account...I used my HRM and it gives me about 10-15 maaaaaaybe 20 calories per song depending on intesity I've estimated I burn from 200-350 an hour depending on what I do...I just bought Zumba Core, and this morning I did a high intensity at 45 minutes 11 songs and it gave me 125 calories burned..The sillouette is different on this version and maybe the kinect sensor can get an idea of your weight but idk its definately not OVER estimating though so thats good. I would say get an HRM or cut it in half and see if that helps...I also started taking an actual Live class and it was burning approx 300 calories for that hour...nothings 100% accurate but underestimating is better than over. Good luck!
  • aefanohio
    Thanks for the help. I'm going to look at some HRMs. I am loving the Zumba :happy:
  • jvnoonway
    jvnoonway Posts: 24
    I LOVE zumba!
    Though I have to disagree with a few people about this, I wore a HRM for a class once (before the damn thing broke) and I burned 901 calories. I am 5'2" and weigh 201, so peraps I am burning more than you are. I wear a Body Media Fit arm band now, and the other night it told me 536. I would definitely get an HRM, or a body media, but get an HRM that has a chest strap, the watches that you press with your fingers are kind of a pain int he *kitten* for zumba
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    Mine has the chest strap and I'm 5'4 and 193 so we arn't too different. ...I have my high/low HR set and what kind of activity I'm doing plus all personal info...I dont have a fancy (didn't spend hundreds of dollars) HRM but its new and works great, I dont know how the Body MEdia works...But I still would much rather have it underestimate..especailly if you plan on eating all or some of those exercise calories back...overestimating doesn't do any favors when you plan on eating them...if you do.