Help with Weights to Purchase

So I keep reading in these forums that strength training is really necessary to build muscle; the positive of building muscle in that it burns more fat. I plan on doing this at home. I'm a single parent, right now I really can't afford a gym membership. So I was thinking of purchasing 5 or 10 pound weights and maybe just starting from there. What would you recommend? I'm not very strong at all so should I purchase 5 pound weights? Or should I go for the gusto and purchase 10 pound weights? Any thoughts or insights you have would be helpful.


  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I would check Craigslist and see if you can find used kettlebells in higher weights (10-35lbs) or start collecting some basics like a bench and barbell. 5lb weights aren't going to do a lot for you.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    try and find adjustable dumbbells if that is all you have room for. something where the bar is 5lbs and then they come with assorted plates to get up into the 40-50lb range.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Craigslist, thrift stores, TJ Maxx & Marshall's are all good places to look for less expensive weights. I'm also an at home workout gal, lacking space (and funds!) for the big weights. I have dumbbells ranging from 8-20 lbs, and do the best I can with those. I would love to get my hands on some bigger ones, but have had a hard time finding them cheap anywhere. And adjustable set would be awesome - less space!

    I often see kettlebells (10-15lbs) at TJ Maxx or Marshalls, sometimes they have dumbbells, but not very big ones, and I found my 10lb medicine ball there. Be sure to check the men's department though - you'll heavier stuff there than in the women's area. :smile:
  • BonnieFife
    BonnieFife Posts: 104 Member
    Im in Scotland :) but as a fellow female shop around for weights i got mine pretty cheap, i use 0.5kg, 1kg & 2 kg weights, i use the smaller 2 sets more often than the 2 kg ~ hope this helps & i noticed the stronger i got the heavier i could lift or workout with. Oh and to start with when i couldnt afford the weights i used bottles of water :)
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    i have these picked them up from ****s of sports authority can't remember but they are adjustable and only cost about 40 bucks for the pair

    those with a stability ball you can get a decent workout at home especially if you are just beginning
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    buy 5 and 10lb weights and start with the 5lbs ones. the mistake that many first-time lifters make is they go all out too fast their first time around. if you have never lifted before, you will destroy your muscles if you do multiple reps with a heavy weight that you have not worked up to.

    lifting 5lbs once or twice is easy and light; lifting it multiple times (12-15reps) x 2 sets will hurt the next day but 10lbs weights will make you so sore you won't even be able to lift your arms.

    continue to use the lighter weight until your target reps and sets are no longer challenging, the switch to 8lbs, do the same and then work your way up to 10lbs etc. you get the picture. you have to work your way up!

    walmart sells neoprene covered weights for a low price; their range is 3lbs-15-20lbs.
    So I keep reading in these forums that strength training is really necessary to build muscle; the positive of building muscle in that it burns more fat. I plan on doing this at home. I'm a single parent, right now I really can't afford a gym membership. So I was thinking of purchasing 5 or 10 pound weights and maybe just starting from there. What would you recommend? I'm not very strong at all so should I purchase 5 pound weights? Or should I go for the gusto and purchase 10 pound weights? Any thoughts or insights you have would be helpful.
  • sburiel
    sburiel Posts: 18
    Thank you! This if very helpful!