Off topic, but I want opinions from the other ladies on here

GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
My husband and I were having a discussion today, and he mentioned that he'd like to see me wearing sexier clothes, and do my hair and make-up more often. I am a stay at home mom, so I rarely go anywhere special enough to do all that extra stuff. I just don't see the point in cleaning the house in high heels and a dress:laugh: all the time. Do any of you other SAHMs get "fixed up" every day? Is it really worth the effort to get all pretty just to sit around the house??:ohwell:


  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    My husband and I were having a discussion today, and he mentioned that he'd like to see me wearing sexier clothes, and do my hair and make-up more often. I am a stay at home mom, so I rarely go anywhere special enough to do all that extra stuff. I just don't see the point in cleaning the house in high heels and a dress:laugh: all the time. Do any of you other SAHMs get "fixed up" every day? Is it really worth the effort to get all pretty just to sit around the house??:ohwell:
  • If ur Husband works in the day, y not make sure the cleaning is done etc etc etc, and just make the effort for when he gets home, I mean cooking the tea or doing the dishes in clothes he finds sexc, could just lead to a little more exercise to add to your log :wink:

  • I hear you. I don't like to get out of my pjs half the time. Maybe just throw on a little something right before he gets home, then you won't have to go through the day dressed up. Or just on weekends, when you spend more time together during the day.
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    God no, I'm in sweats and t-shirts if I'm not gonna be leaving the house, and when I do, then I change my sweats to a pair of jeans :laugh: I keep telling him if he wants me to dress up he'll have to give me an excuse to!!(I said that about 4 months ago, pointed out countless movies I'd like to see, and still, here I sit)
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    My husband and I were having a discussion today, and he mentioned that he'd like to see me wearing sexier clothes, and do my hair and make-up more often. I am a stay at home mom, so I rarely go anywhere special enough to do all that extra stuff. I just don't see the point in cleaning the house in high heels and a dress:laugh: all the time. Do any of you other SAHMs get "fixed up" every day? Is it really worth the effort to get all pretty just to sit around the house??:ohwell:

    Oh my gosh, we must have married brothers. :laugh: Since I'm currently down 45 pounds, my hubby hounds me all the time to dress sexier. I've never been one for "girly" clothes so it isn't anything I feel comfortable with. :ohwell:

    Guess we should just be grateful our hubby's still find us desireable. :wink:
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    God no, I'm in sweats and t-shirts if I'm not gonna be leaving the house, and when I do, then I change my sweats to a pair of jeans :laugh: I keep telling him if he wants me to dress up he'll have to give me an excuse to!!(I said that about 4 months ago, pointed out countless movies I'd like to see, and still, here I sit)

    Are you sure your husband and mine aren't long-lost brothers?
    I said basically the same thing to him.:laugh:
  • ColtsFan1912
    ColtsFan1912 Posts: 146 Member
    i sure don't dress up. with a 4 month old i know it'll just get spit up on, or major droll on it etc lol. ive never been one to dress up anyways
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hey :) I usually wear pjs or sweats all day. The husband has never said anything about it to me. I DO try to fix my hair and put on mascara b4 he gets home from work most days, but as for dressing sexy, I save that for the nights we go out somewhere, and he always comments on how good I look on those nights. I think if u dress sexy all the time they take it for granted, so we should all stay in our pjs! lol sounds like a good excuse right?
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I agree - the saying goes, "All dressed up and no where to go". I believe in looking good for your spouse, but it's impractical to dress up to vacuum. Even jeans and t-shirts should fit well though.
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Count your lucky stars, my friends. My husband wouldn't notice if I walked around NAKED!:laugh: Ok, that might be exaggerated.

    From the looks of your pic, GTO, you look pretty great in camo!
  • jcummings69
    jcummings69 Posts: 183
    Don't you feel good when you do your hair and make up? I know that I feel better about myself when I do, regardless if I am going anywhere or not. I think you husband is a good enough reason to get dolled up for!
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I stay in my Pjs all day long almost to do all my cleaning and what I need to do, but maybe an hour even half hour before he gets home I take a shower and at times get all dressed up like that for him. It's nice for him and even myself once in a while :smile: I don't do it all the time, i love to surprise him.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    My husband knows I am a stay at home mom and running after a 16 month old boy. BUT, he also finds workout gear everytime I get ready for the gym, he makes a comment!! LOL!! Works for me!!
  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    When my mom and my stepdad got married, she was a teacher (still is). Of course she wouldn't wear super nice clothes to school (imagine what 1st graders would do to that!), but I remember driving home from school with her and she would take time to fluff her hair and reapply her makeup. Its wasn't about winning him and keeping him. She genuinally wanted to look nice for her husband. She still does, 19 years later.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I agree!!! If he goes to work during the day, do all the chores you need to do and then shower, wear some nice perfume, fix your hair and be ready when he come home. Keep the spark alive!!! That is very important ladies!!! And you don't have to wear a dress and heels to be "sexy" , it could be jeans and a cute top and even cute flip flops, make sure your feet are nice hee hee...and you dont have to wear makeup either, clean your face, put on some moisturizer, maybe some powder if you'd like and gloss, it can even be clear gloss...
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    God no, I'm in sweats and t-shirts if I'm not gonna be leaving the house, and when I do, then I change my sweats to a pair of jeans :laugh: I keep telling him if he wants me to dress up he'll have to give me an excuse to!!(I said that about 4 months ago, pointed out countless movies I'd like to see, and still, here I sit)

    Are you sure your husband and mine aren't long-lost brothers?
    I said basically the same thing to him.:laugh:
    Yep still waiting for a date night:laugh:
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    I do not have my own kids, but am a "professional stay at home mom".... I get up every morning and put on my "uniform" of sweat pants or windpants and sweatshirt and head down the street to another family's home where I become a caregiver for three little boys and housekeeper. I feed, bathe, dress, diaper and play with 3 messy little boys, (4, if you count the new puppy!) And do the regualr household chores, laundry, cleaning, cooking etc. (only to go home, workout and have to do the same chores at our house, without the kids though!) My point being that I agree that it is not practical to get dressed up or made up when at home with the kids and chores all day, epecially when it seems we can't make it through the day with one clean outfit! Hey if I'm showered, have combed hair and deoderant on, good enough!
    However having said that... I do enjoy getting dressed in nicer clothes and putting some makeup on when the weekend rolls around, although my "nice" clothes means dark jeans and something other than a sweatshirt.:wink: And my husband does appreciate and compliment me on those occasions. I agree that if it was something I did everyday he might take it for granted and not appreciate it as much.
  • i think sometimes we women get offended and think they don't love or want us as we are, when they suggest something like "making an effort to look better". but i know for me anyway, that if i came home everyday to my husband in sweats and t-shirts, i wouldn't feel much in the area of passion either. we think that it shouldn't be important to "make the effort" to be appealing...but if it's not important...why do we do it in the beginning?

    and then...why do we stop? i know all the generic reasons because i live them too. work, kids, schedules, alot to keep up with...and the effort becomes just another task. but those efforts brought us closer and made things more exciting in the i understand why things become routine and stale when they stop. it makes sense.

    i prefer the and truth be told..."i" feel better myself...when i make some effort for me. while "appeal" and "sex appeal" should not be top of the list when it comes to the reasons we are with someone, we can't deny...they matter. more than we admit most of the time. our husbands dont' want us to be someone else...they just wonder where "we" went.

    just my two cents.
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    I usually do chores in the morning and then fix up to cook and be ready when he comes home...I don't wear makeup everyday, but I get clean...once in awhile I like to give him a surprise attack as soon as he walks in the door and he loves it when I take command like that...something I havn't done in awhile, that I should do soon, is to be all fixed up in lingerie and high heels when he gets home...he really loves the attention!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    ok, I am a stay at home mom. I have a 3 year old and a 13 year old. I am up at and dressed for the gym by 5am. Breakfast is ready for my husband at 5:30am. His lunch and dinner are packed for him to take to work. He leaves at 6. I then straighten up the living room and the dinning room. Make my bed, and get my clothes ready for later in the day. Kids up at 6:30 and are eating a hot breakfast at 7. Out the door to take my son to school 7:45. Go to the gym if it my early day until 9:30-late days I go at night.
    Go home, shower get ready for the day. Makeup and hair are done on days I do not work in the yard. By 11 all beds are made and by 12 all chores are done. Dinner on table at 6-6:30. 3 year old is bathed and in pjs by 7:30 and husband is home at 7:45 with a cup of hot tea waiting. I am still dressed and have on my makeup. He works 12 hours as a respiratory practitioner and when he comes home it is nice to look neat and have the house the same. I feel that is the least I can do for all that he does for me and the kids. After 8:30-pj's on and hot tea in hand.

    I also wear a sexy night gown a couple of times a week. I think it makes me feel better too.

    Dressed up can be a nice pair of jeans and a sexy top. It doesn't have to be a dress, nylons and heels.
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