Weigh-in was depressing...but the day did get better! :)

fiendiish Posts: 186
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I weighed in this morning...gained 2ish lbs...but it's TOM next week...I'm sure that's the culprit. I haven't cheated. (Aside from the 1/2 of a Butterfinger Crisp yesterday - 105 cals) Went over 100 cals yesterday too but exercise day off...wasn't hard to go over.

Regardless, I sucked it up even though I have DOMS big time from my leg work out on Tuesday...and went for my 2.6 mile walk. Since I started...I have had to stop 3 or 4 times in the first mile because my shins hurt so bad. Perseverance has paid off though! I only had to stop ONE TIME and that was halfway through....shaved off 5 min and averaged 3.5 mph! AND MY SHINS DONT HURT! :)

WOOOOOOOOHOOOOO! Now it's time to increase my distance! :bigsmile:


  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Yeah I had a crappy weigh-in this morning too. Which is my fault because I usually only weigh myself every Friday but today I cheated. Well, the scale said I gained two pounds. I was like "#*&!@(&#$)*!!!!!" at first but then I remembered that weight goes up and down and it doesn't mean I have actually gained fat. I do weight training two days a week so I'm on the "hope it's muscle" boat. Either way, I will still weigh myself tomorrow and not be discouraged. It's a long-term goal...not a "omgosh I have to loose all this weight in 2 months" goal.....or something.

    Keep up the walking. I have shin problems too but I endure it because I love walking/jogging/running. Soon you'll be posting that you shaved SEVEN minutes off.
  • smarston
    smarston Posts: 78 Member
    So, I weighed in this morning...gained 2ish lbs...but it's TOM next week...I'm sure that's the culprit. I haven't cheated. (Aside from the 1/2 of a Butterfinger Crisp yesterday - 105 cals) Went over 100 cals yesterday too but exercise day off...wasn't hard to go over.

    Regardless, I sucked it up even though I have DOMS big time from my leg work out on Tuesday...and went for my 2.6 mile walk. Since I started...I have had to stop 3 or 4 times in the first mile because my shins hurt so bad. Perseverance has paid off though! I only had to stop ONE TIME and that was halfway through....shaved off 5 min and averaged 3.5 mph! AND MY SHINS DONT HURT! :)

    WOOOOOOOOHOOOOO! Now it's time to increase my distance! :bigsmile:

    I was having a hard time with my shins hurting and I bought new shoes and it made a huge difference. I didn't have as many problems after. I've been told your suppose to buy new ones at least every 6 months if your walking/running everyday. Not sure if yours are hurting from your leg work or your walking... Anyway just a thought...
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I was grouchy this morning too after hopping on the scale. I weight myself daily though, and very rarely does the scale go up. Well I thought I'd be able to enter a pound lost on MFP, but I went from 187.2 to 188.0. Not cool. I do know exactly why though. My sodium has been at or above the limit for the past 2 days from eating sandwiches that had shocking amounts in them. I'm gonna drink tons of water today and try again tomorrow to see if it goes back below 187 so I can log it :) Darn that sodium...
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