Belly Jelly, how do I get rid of it????

lculian Posts: 313 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So the good news is I've lost 25lbs and several inches. The challenge is my waist is still out of proportion with the rest of my body.:angry: I only want to lose a few more pounds, but I would really like to lose 4 inches in my midsection.
Does anyone have any ideas?? What works, I'll put the time and effort in, especially if I know I'm heading in the right direction:happy: .


  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I don't have the answers but I'd like to here from those who do.
  • christinagriffith
    christinagriffith Posts: 32 Member
    I have had this same propblem too, my DH had the nerve to say that I needed to get over it and that it would always be there. I am interested to hear any advise!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Unfortunately you can't just target one area of your body to burn fat from; it doesn't work like that. The best option would be to do cardio to help burn overall fat, and then work on toning your muscles in your midsection so that when your body finally starts dropping fat from your midsection your muscles will be ready to show off! I've lost inches plenty of places, but my butt and thighs are unfortunately the last to go *sigh*.
  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    Iculian...have you been exercising or just eating right? I used to work at a weight loss center here in GA, and many of the women that came in would want to lose weight with out working out, and our plan allowed people to lose about 3-5 lbs a week (although most lost an avg. of 1-3 bc they didnt follow the diet to the 'T") but my asking this is because when losing weight, through the entire process it is best to weight train while dieting or eating right to allow your skins elasticity to catch up with you losing weight. and the muscles form underneath to assist with burning more calories. Other exercises, aside from your normal crunches, situps, and other ab exercises, will help to lose the 'extra' around the middle. Lunges, squats, areas that target your obliques, and running will help with your weight loss journey as well. I really hope this helps or answers everyone's question. Good day to you all!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You can build up the muscle under your fat by doing crunches, plank moves, rock climbers (where you're in push up position but you alternate bringing your knees to your chest like you're climbing) and other things, and then do a ton of cardio to blast the fat. Definitely build muscle everywhere because muscle burns fat!! :happy: I've seen a significant difference in my stomach from doing cardio EVERYDAY 6x/week, even if it's just for 20 minutes. I have long cardio days (an hour class every Wednesday, and then 30-45 minute elliptical/treadmill - running days) and then short cardio days (15-20 minutes on treadmill or elliptical) and strength train 3x/week. Most of my weight was in my belly and it's almost flat so it's obviously working!
  • riesa00
    riesa00 Posts: 9
    CARDIO, CARDIO, CARDIO! When I was getting rid of my belly I would do 45 minutes on the cross trainer and then 10 minutes of abs. One specific move that helped me during my ab session was any type of plank! Don't just focus on your lower abdominals, really push at your obliques and upper arms. This will tighten your lower abs and shed fat. So again, what worked for me was: 45 minutes cardio (elliptical, treadmill) and 10 minutes of difficult abs, mostly planks.
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Currently I exercise 3x a week 35-60 minutes. Usually I run/walk on the trweadmill, use the rowing machine and do some strength training moves with hand weights on the BOSU ball. However for the last three weeks I haven't been running/walking I've been swimming due to shin splints.

    So I'm exercising and eatting better, do I just need to be patient?
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Iculian...have you been exercising or just eating right? I used to work at a weight loss center here in GA, and many of the women that came in would want to lose weight with out working out, and our plan allowed people to lose about 3-5 lbs a week (although most lost an avg. of 1-3 bc they didnt follow the diet to the 'T") but my asking this is because when losing weight, through the entire process it is best to weight train while dieting or eating right to allow your skins elasticity to catch up with you losing weight. and the muscles form underneath to assist with burning more calories. Other exercises, aside from your normal crunches, situps, and other ab exercises, will help to lose the 'extra' around the middle. Lunges, squats, areas that target your obliques, and running will help with your weight loss journey as well. I really hope this helps or answers everyone's question. Good day to you all!
    Currently I exercise 3x a week 35-60 minutes. Usually I run/walk on the trweadmill, use the rowing machine and do some strength training moves with hand weights on the BOSU ball. However for the last three weeks I haven't been running/walking I've been swimming due to shin splints.

    So I'm exercising and eatting better, do I just need to be patient?

    Sorry for the double post, I always forget to hit quote:blushing:
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    You can try to do various stomach exercises to help, but it will probably never be the size you want it to be. I would love to lose more weight in my thighs instead of everything from the waist up. However, I know, that will never happen because that is how I am built. I can make them toned, but they are always going to be bigger than I want them to be.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I have found exercises that involve plank position (plank jacks, mountain climbers, plank twists, etc.) and plyometrics (tuck jumps, jump lunges, etc.) to be very helpful for me. I do moves like this in rapid succession with very minimal rest between moves so it is a cardio workout that also involves resistance. Be sure to also work the lower back. This area can often get overlooked in a routine that only involves crunches (which is why I tend toward plank more than crunches) but it is extremely important for tightening up the midsection because it is part of the "girdle" that will cinch you in.

    Or, if you really want a cardio challenge that will also really tighten your core, get the Insanity workout series from Beachbody! I have it. I'm not following it straight through, I just mix in the workouts occasionally with the rest of my exercise because I like a lot of variety.
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Thank you for the suggestions everyone!!! It's nice to hear there are people having success, that gives me HOPE!!!:happy:
  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    Iculian...have you been exercising or just eating right? I used to work at a weight loss center here in GA, and many of the women that came in would want to lose weight with out working out, and our plan allowed people to lose about 3-5 lbs a week (although most lost an avg. of 1-3 bc they didnt follow the diet to the 'T") but my asking this is because when losing weight, through the entire process it is best to weight train while dieting or eating right to allow your skins elasticity to catch up with you losing weight. and the muscles form underneath to assist with burning more calories. Other exercises, aside from your normal crunches, situps, and other ab exercises, will help to lose the 'extra' around the middle. Lunges, squats, areas that target your obliques, and running will help with your weight loss journey as well. I really hope this helps or answers everyone's question. Good day to you all!
    Currently I exercise 3x a week 35-60 minutes. Usually I run/walk on the trweadmill, use the rowing machine and do some strength training moves with hand weights on the BOSU ball. However for the last three weeks I haven't been running/walking I've been swimming due to shin splints.

    So I'm exercising and eatting better, do I just need to be patient?

    Sorry for the double post, I always forget to hit quote:blushing:

    I agree with everyone on here, if you can, maybe up your cardio to 4-5 days a week, your body may be getting used to the workout you've been doing. It helps to add variety maybe every 3 weeks or so or once you dont feel as fatigued after workouts. But plank workouts and other variations of muscle toning will help. Patience is a virtue. You will have the washboard stomach eventually, you will wake up one day and it will seem as if it came out of no where.

    Just remember: Rome wasn't built in a day.

    and anything worth having is worth working hard for, you have the support of all of us at MFP and we'll help motivate you along the way. Good luck!
  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    Oh and I used to get shin splints all the time when i would go running. You may need to get some new workout shoes. I promise it will help. Make sure they are tied up good, that they have the right support. and that they are the right type of shoes. cross training shoes for x-training, running shoes for runnign, and walking shoes for walking, etc. it really makes a differece bc the soles of the shoes are made just for those types of exercises (lol, i used to work at a shoe store too :smile: )

    and PLEASE make sure you stretch lightly before exercising and after. it will help with preventing shin splints as well. hope this helps!
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Oh and I used to get shin splints all the time when i would go running. You may need to get some new workout shoes. I promise it will help. Make sure they are tied up good, that they have the right support. and that they are the right type of shoes. cross training shoes for x-training, running shoes for runnign, and walking shoes for walking, etc. it really makes a differece bc the soles of the shoes are made just for those types of exercises (lol, i used to work at a shoe store too :smile: )

    and PLEASE make sure you stretch lightly before exercising and after. it will help with preventing shin splints as well. hope this helps!

    You have given me some great advice. I will try to carve out more time for cardio. Good news I already replaced the shoes that were part of the problem That's what I get for being cheap and wanting a "deal" Some things are totally worth the money. Shoes that prevent shin splints are now a need not a want!!

    Thanks again!
  • MsRitz
    MsRitz Posts: 15
    I just wanted to add that swimming is a FANTASTIC exercise for your abs. You're also working every muscle group without the impact or strain of other exercises. Please don't think that you're copping out by swimming, you're actually doing one of the best full body workouts.

    I will also second the suggestion to do plank moves. They hit muscles that a standard crunch can't touch and will go a long way for tightening up your lower abs.

    For anyone looking to tone up their thighs and butt, if you have access to a pool try breast stroke kicks. Yes, you look like a frog but they really target those two areas. :smile:
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    yes, be patient.....
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    I just wanted to add that swimming is a FANTASTIC exercise for your abs. You're also working every muscle group without the impact or strain of other exercises. Please don't think that you're copping out by swimming, you're actually doing one of the best full body workouts.

    I will also second the suggestion to do plank moves. They hit muscles that a standard crunch can't touch and will go a long way for tightening up your lower abs.

    For anyone looking to tone up their thighs and butt, if you have access to a pool try breast stroke kicks. Yes, you look like a frog but they really target those two areas. :smile:

    Where can I find exmples of plank moves?? I don't really know what they are. But it sounds like they are worth a try!
  • MsRitz
    MsRitz Posts: 15
    Any of the popular workouts right now incorporate plank moves (P90X, 30 Day Shred, etc) if you're looking for a whole new routine.

    Otherwise I'd just google plank exercises and you should get more pictures, links, and videos than you'll ever need. Good luck :smile:
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