Motivation. ugh.

Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I need help. I was doing so great. I lost a good amount of weight. Now I'm back up about 6-7 lbs, which isn't bad, but I have no motivation anymore...lack of time...I need some kind of plan or something. Idk.

I moved about a month ago and got a new job (which is a desk job, I sit on my butt all day and don't have time to leave my desk. I have a 30 min lunch break, which I always eat healthy, but I don't have enough time to eat and do some walking). My work day basically consists of 8am-8pm. I used to exercise at least 4-5 times a week before I moved and I felt great. Now I never exercise. I'm always exhausted by the time I get home, I eat dinner, do some stuff around the house, and then go right to sleep. I'm not a morning person, so I know I won't get up earlier than what I already do.

I've been parking as far away from everything as possible. I always take stairs, no elevators, but it's not enough.

Any ideas or motivation would be greatly appreciated


  • Busy, busy busy you are!!! I used to work like that as well and I got fat but I had a boss that was in incredible shape. He did it through Saturday and Sunday extended workouts! He said every Saturday he would wake up and run/walk 5-7 miles. Then on Sunday, he would always take a walk with his wife, try to do some work in the yard that would require a ton of excercise, or he would take his daughter to the pool. I know there are weeks when the work week does NOT allow for any work out time, but perhaps even a 20 minute SUPER intense workout video when you get home would help? I know you are tired, but if you can push through it you will absolutely have more energy! Good Luck!
  • EmilysMommy
    EmilysMommy Posts: 78 Member
    Just do what you can the motivation will come back with time! Where there is a will there is a way! You will find a good time for you to workout and it will all be OK, by the way I really like your profile pic, I LOVE twilight!
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