At the bottom of the mountain, and need support

whitt125 Posts: 58 Member
Hi all! I just began my journey yesterday. My name is Whitney, I'm 5'2, and need to lose between 60-70 lbs. to get to an ideal weight. And it's also worth mentioning....I feel totally overwhelmed.

I am posting this to introduce myself, but also because I know the more support I have, the better. Some of the posts I've seen so far are filled with inspiring, motivational, kind and REAL people, and I'm looking forward to being a part of this community. I've tried things before, like most of us have, but always failed after about 10 lbs. of loss. I quite frankly, just lose my excitement. That's when I know, I need folks like you to help keep me pumped.

I'm looking to transform my lifestyle. Diets don't work for me. Mostly because a bad diet alone isn't what got me here. I know I simply need to live a little differently, and get myself right - physically.

Exercise has been my biggest nemesis, thus far. My food intake can use adjustments, but really isn't that terrible. Mainly, I drink my calories and don't get my butt moving nearly enough. I have the house to myself during the day, so any advice on effective, in home exercise routines would be awesome.

Mostly, I am just looking for some encouraging words, some buddies and any tips. I would love to hear what's worked for you. What has been the most instrumental contributor to your successes? I feel like I keep doing research and it just keeps piling on to how overwhelmed I feel.

Thanks so much and again, I am so happy to be here and learn with you all.

Here's to living happy, healthy and a little smaller!


  • stitchtastic
    Hi Whitney.

    I've been here 7 weeks now and just lost my first stone today!

    Sending you a friend request :happy:
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hi Whitney....... I am at home most of the day too go to exercise is walking........ easy to do and I really do think it makes a difference....... certainly a good place to start before moving on to something more energetic.........

    Good luck with your efforts........

  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    I am right there with you, I need to loose about 40 lbs to be in the "overweight" category and close to 80 to be in the "normal" category My goal is to lose about 70 lbs total. I have tried many diets including the HCG and Atkins. The HCG worked for me, but the only 500 calories a day really took a toll on me and I became very weak.

    I was on MFP before and lost about 15 lbs, but then I became pregnant. I am almost 22 weeks pregnant now but my Dr still wants me to loose weight for the health of me and my unborn baby. I am about 219 right now and would like to be 160 ONE YEAR from July (which is when I will deliver) my Dr wants me to get down to my pre pregnancy weight of 212 or stay around where I am now. I would like to get down to 212 by July.

    I sent a friend request to you! Good luck hunny!
  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    Changing your lifestyle is right, to me this is not a new diet ( like every other time I've tried to lose weight) this is a " live-it" ! I have learned a lot about how I eat , how I move and where my biggest weaknesses are in food cravings. You are in the right place. Just like anywhere on the web you are going to see a million opinions on how to do this, find what works best for you. These are a great group of people, with very big hearts who are where you are or have been there. We can be friends if you want! Good luck:smile:
  • AshlieA96
    AshlieA96 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Whitney,
    I'm about 5"3" have been on here 55 days its told me today!! I have lost 16.5 lbs. Every pound counts. I would love to lose 40 first, then 50, 60 would blow me away. Just trying to get to 40 first :wink: Add me up if you like
  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Whitney,
    I'm about 5"3" have been on here 55 days its told me today!! I have lost 16.5 lbs. Every pound counts. I would love to lose 40 first, then 50, 60 would blow me away. Just trying to get to 40 first :wink: Add me up if you like

    Your doing fantastic!
  • pinkfloydsgurl
    pinkfloydsgurl Posts: 9 Member
    HEY SUG!

    The name is Julianne...but most people call me Manic or Mama Manic ;P You can do this sweetheart. I know that ticker doesn't show much progress as far as weight loss goes for me but i used to be 115 lbs and gorgeous...a few bad decisions (and years of them) got me to a whopping 230lbs. THEN i had a baby...lemme tell you NOT pretty naked BUT i know i can do this. i can get down to a healthy weight for my 5'3" frame. And if i can do it SO CAN YOU! I promise you that it is possible and you can do it. If you ever need anything feel free to email me or PM me. I'm here for you. :)
  • dilligaf274
    Hi there. I never reply to these posts but your's caught my eye because I know how you are feeling. It took me 20 years to figure this all out. I finally found two workouts that make me happy. And I do them because of how they make me feel, not because of weightloss anymore. The weightloss is just an added bonus.

    I have lost 39 pounds so far. I am more than halfway there.

    I swim and I do Zumba. I swim alot. About 3 miles each time. And I do Zumba about 4 times a week. I leave that Zumba class every time with a giant smile on my face. And I am sweating so much it drips in my eyes and it's AWESOME! I am a better mother, a better wife, and a better employer because my head is clear and I took an hour to spend on myself.

    The food changes happen naturally after that. I don't want ice cream after sweating that hard. Because I'm already invigorated.

    I don't know that I would be successful alone at home. You really need to sweat to feel the euphoria that it provides.

    I look forward to hearing about your progress!

    Good luck!
  • siegrish
    siegrish Posts: 2
    Just make sure you log everyday. Even if it's a bad day make that commitment to yourself and it will slowly work. Promise!
  • whitt125
    whitt125 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks so much to everyone. I'm looking forward to my first victory...I neeeeeed it! lol

    I just try to keep imagining what it would feel like to be fit. I mean...I can barely imagine!
    Who hasn't worn a pair of short for 14 years? This girl. I limit myself from wearing and doing so many things. It would be great to finally CHANGE that.

    Thanks for your kind words!
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    Hello Whitney, you sound a lot like me. I used to hate exercise and now I hate to miss it. Just start moving; you will eventually hate to miss it also. You sound like you are starting with a good attitude and outlook. You can find some great workout ideas at I have fallen in love with MFP and nerdfitness. I started out with 73 pounds to lose, I lost 66, got lazy and have put 20 of it back on. I have been pretty much at a stand still since January and am trying to shake things up a bit to get the scale moving once again. Feel free to add me if you like, I am here every day.

    Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. Do not expect instant results. We didn't gain overnight, and it won't come off that way either.

    Oh, and I am a shorty too...5'4"
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    Hi. The best beginning you can have is to walk! It really does help and is low impact. You can walk outside or you can walk inside with videos by Leslie Sansone. You can find exercise videos (including hers) on youtube. One you have initiated a healthy walking regimen you may want to look into the 30 Day Shred (also on youtube) by Jillian Michaels. The first few days you will want to die but it does get better about Day 4.
    Become more active and stop drinking your calories and you will see a difference in no time!
    Good luck!
  • livingfortheone
    livingfortheone Posts: 273 Member
    Hi all! I just began my journey yesterday. My name is Whitney, I'm 5'2, and need to lose between 60-70 lbs. to get to an ideal weight. And it's also worth mentioning....I feel totally overwhelmed.

    I am posting this to introduce myself, but also because I know the more support I have, the better. Some of the posts I've seen so far are filled with inspiring, motivational, kind and REAL people, and I'm looking forward to being a part of this community. I've tried things before, like most of us have, but always failed after about 10 lbs. of loss. I quite frankly, just lose my excitement. That's when I know, I need folks like you to help keep me pumped.

    I'm looking to transform my lifestyle. Diets don't work for me. Mostly because a bad diet alone isn't what got me here. I know I simply need to live a little differently, and get myself right - physically.

    Exercise has been my biggest nemesis, thus far. My food intake can use adjustments, but really isn't that terrible. Mainly, I drink my calories and don't get my butt moving nearly enough. I have the house to myself during the day, so any advice on effective, in home exercise routines would be awesome.

    Mostly, I am just looking for some encouraging words, some buddies and any tips. I would love to hear what's worked for you. What has been the most instrumental contributor to your successes? I feel like I keep doing research and it just keeps piling on to how overwhelmed I feel.

    Thanks so much and again, I am so happy to be here and learn with you all.

    Here's to living happy, healthy and a little smaller!

    Feel free to add me or any one of my MFP buddies that post on my profile.... plus I blog here too.
  • fantalisious
    Hi whitney. I strated my journy yesterday to. Just remember to take it 1 pound at a time. Also when you feel like giving up think about why you started. When you don't feel like exersising just think to yourself no more excuses. I always done excuses like i'm to tired or i don't have time, ect. Just remeber no more excuses, take it at 1 pound at a time and think about why you started. Also add me. :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Glad to see you here. MFP has helped me so much. If you are dedicated and log your food every day it will help you so much. It does take time but it works. There are a lot of things you can do at home for exercise. If the weather is good you can walk or bike ride. If you rather stay indoors I would recomend some exercise videos. I reward myself every month that I lose any weight with a new one. If you are new to exercise I would recomend Leslie Sansone Walk at home dvds. If you are more advanced I just got a cardio kick DVD that really works you. You can also put on music and just freestyle dance, or do some heavy cleaning in your house. Cleaning is a great calorie burn!
  • agrant85
    agrant85 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Whitney! i joined about a week ago and am loving it! I will send you a friend request so we can motivate each other! My friend is a fitness trainer. I asked her what i can do at home since I too, work out at home. I am starting the 30 day shred dvd on Monday, doing it M/W/F and then getting on my elliptical on T/TH.
  • scadgirl20
    scadgirl20 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm sending a request now. I log on daily & like to encourage others. Anyone else on here please feel free to add me
  • whitt125
    whitt125 Posts: 58 Member
    You guys are BEYOND amazing! So sweet and supportive. Makes me even more excited to post my progress. Thank you, thank you!
  • rrice172
    rrice172 Posts: 14
    Welcome, Your in the right place. Theres lots of positive renforcement here on MFP. Like some posted eariler log every day good or bad. It helps keep you accountable, and others will be glad to share what has worked for them . Anyone feel free to add me it they would like.
  • BandB1979
    BandB1979 Posts: 38 Member
    What helped me start my journey was my friend and I going to yoga classes. Not only did it help get my head on straight but I saw the pounds slid off. Not all can go to the class but they have great DVDs or youtube. Now I am at a point to add more to my routine. I have started the 30 day shred (not every day though) and weight training with heavier weights.

    One thing I think you do need to remember though is that you need a rest day.

    Also it's okay if you can't do something on the first day or even the second day but keep trying and eventually it will happen.