How to Look Good Naked (its a tv show!) : )

Recently I've started watching this show - How to look good naked. I have to share some of the things I've learned and shared with my daughter. If your not familiar with the show here it goes:

A woman that deams herself to be unattractive, strips to her undies in a three way mirror while camera's scan her up and down. She then must tell the host/stylist what she hates most about her body and why. Her image is projected on a building for the world to see and critique. The responses are played back to the woman where she then hears that other people don't think that she is oversized or fat thights - that she doesn't see herself like others see her. She then stands in front of a lineup of differently sized women and asked her where she fits in in the line up. She usually adds an extra 3-4 sizes to her frame and is shocked that she is smaller than she thinks. (amazing how we think we look) From there, the stylist takes her shopping, mani/pedi, makeover, etc. By the end of the show, she poses nude for a tasteful photoshoot and her picture projected on a building yet again to have the public announce whether or not she looks good. Of course she does!

The purpose of the show is to help self esteem - make these women see that even with lumps, bumps, cellulite, big thighs, flat bums, saggy boobs (the list goes on and on) that we are real women and that we cannot compare to women in magazines. This is a really important lesson! Remembering that models are airbrushed, digitally enhanced, clothes picked out and hair and makeup professionally done. Of course every other woman in the world cannot compare! Do we really want to?

Each man or woman that they talk to on the street prefers a woman with shape. Whether its lumpy bits or an hourglass figure, they say they don't want a woman that does not have any "meat" on her. Hooray!

I know this site is dominated with woman so I hope you all take a moment to read my note and remember to love your body right now just exactly as it is. Of course be healthy, eat right and exercise - it makes you feel good to take care of yourself and its important. Just remember that you are perfect right now just the way you are!

Good luck to all in our journey.

Charlene :flowerforyou:


  • charny164
    charny164 Posts: 175 Member
    Recently I've started watching this show - How to look good naked. I have to share some of the things I've learned and shared with my daughter. If your not familiar with the show here it goes:

    A woman that deams herself to be unattractive, strips to her undies in a three way mirror while camera's scan her up and down. She then must tell the host/stylist what she hates most about her body and why. Her image is projected on a building for the world to see and critique. The responses are played back to the woman where she then hears that other people don't think that she is oversized or fat thights - that she doesn't see herself like others see her. She then stands in front of a lineup of differently sized women and asked her where she fits in in the line up. She usually adds an extra 3-4 sizes to her frame and is shocked that she is smaller than she thinks. (amazing how we think we look) From there, the stylist takes her shopping, mani/pedi, makeover, etc. By the end of the show, she poses nude for a tasteful photoshoot and her picture projected on a building yet again to have the public announce whether or not she looks good. Of course she does!

    The purpose of the show is to help self esteem - make these women see that even with lumps, bumps, cellulite, big thighs, flat bums, saggy boobs (the list goes on and on) that we are real women and that we cannot compare to women in magazines. This is a really important lesson! Remembering that models are airbrushed, digitally enhanced, clothes picked out and hair and makeup professionally done. Of course every other woman in the world cannot compare! Do we really want to?

    Each man or woman that they talk to on the street prefers a woman with shape. Whether its lumpy bits or an hourglass figure, they say they don't want a woman that does not have any "meat" on her. Hooray!

    I know this site is dominated with woman so I hope you all take a moment to read my note and remember to love your body right now just exactly as it is. Of course be healthy, eat right and exercise - it makes you feel good to take care of yourself and its important. Just remember that you are perfect right now just the way you are!

    Good luck to all in our journey.

    Charlene :flowerforyou:
  • winwin
    winwin Posts: 134 Member
    I love this show. Who needs perfect when it's not a perfect world. You can fix yourself by wearing different clothes and playing with make-up. I don't know about anyone else out there, but I don't have money to get a face lift, go to the hairdresser every six weeks, dental work (other than what is necessary) etc. but I can shop at second hand stores and spice up the look once in a while. I even brought out my bright red ski jacket for spring. What the hell! You are as young and sexy as you feel, right? What a shock I get sometimes when I look in the mirror and see this older woman looking back rather than the young chick I feel like! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Yay, for REAL reality shows.

  • ColtsFan1912
    ColtsFan1912 Posts: 146 Member
    i wish i had cable or satilite so i could watch this. i seen it once and it was interesting
  • scostello24
    scostello24 Posts: 126
    Yes I love this show too...but I cannot seem to catch it. But I agree with you Charney, we all need to love ourselves and worry about the health and not so much what others think or we percive about our looks. Well said!!!:flowerforyou: