Angry over weightloss ads

amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
edited September 20 in Chit-Chat
I get super irritated when I see all these stupid infomercials (at the gym no less), promising to lose inches in just days with these retarded exercises that do nothing but suck your wallet dry. But the other day driving home, I see a car with one of those home businesses advertised on their back window...."Lose 30 pounds in just 10 minutes, call 555-5555".

OMG, I wanted to ram her car right then and there. How can people even ATTAMPT to sell this crap? Or even more amazing, that people will try it. Do they honestly think their 30 pound gut will just dissapear before their eyes in 10 minutes?:explode:


  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I am with you 100% on this! Not to mention the thousands of stupid infomercials that you see in this regard, too! It's so stupid! They make money off of people because everyone is looking for the quick fix... the easy way out... oh look! I can lose 80 pounds without exercising in 4 months! Sign me up! Such total bull****!
  • click
    click Posts: 36 Member
    I don't mean to be crass but I recommend just not watching TV. I never made a conscious effort to not watch TV but for many reasons it just fell out of my life. I don't have cable, I can't really get a public signal, I watch netflix occasionally on instant play but for the most part my life is rich with outdoor activities, work, walking, cooking (healthy!), taking care of the house, seeing friends and reading books.

    If you cut it out of your life, you can not only exchange that time for something more productive but cut those negative messages out of your life. I definitely recommend it.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    LOL! Maybe she was selling one of those girdle contraptions that make you "appear 30 pounds lighter" and it takes 10 minutes to pull it on.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I have to agree with the above poster. I haven't completely cut it out - I have MY shows I NEED to watch - but we have cut down considerably and are considering cancelling our cable provider (we have a TV with an antenae and are finding all of our shows come on this TV!)

    I've felt that even shows these days are always trying to subtly sell SOMETHING. It feels like everything is a marketing ploy. I'm so over it!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I don't mean to be crass but I recommend just not watching TV. I never made a conscious effort to not watch TV but for many reasons it just fell out of my life. I don't have cable, I can't really get a public signal, I watch netflix occasionally on instant play but for the most part my life is rich with outdoor activities, work, walking, cooking (healthy!), taking care of the house, seeing friends and reading books.

    If you cut it out of your life, you can not only exchange that time for something more productive but cut those negative messages out of your life. I definitely recommend it.

    She was driving home and saw one plastered on the back window of a car. :indifferent:

    I hate seeing those advertisements on here. I've become immune to them, mostly. There is no easy way in life. "Anything worth having is worth working for" and "nothing comes for free" are sayings I've heard all my life that constantly come to mind when I see those gimmicks.
  • jleydon
    jleydon Posts: 7
    First of all, I would suggest you simply laugh at the silly ads and not worry about it. Some people don't want to hear that it is going to take hard work and dedication to lose weight. They'll learn the hard way that single products and quick fixes simply won't work. As for the add in the back window of the car, I'd be willing to bet that the referrence is actually (just like the Geico Insurance ads) alluding to a 10 minute phone call will get you all the information, help, product, or fill-in-the-blank you need to loose 30 pounds. That said...don't worry about what anyone else is saying or doing, or selling for that matter! Stay focused on your goals and your plans and be happy with the successes you attain. You'll be more successful and happier in the long run. Best of luck to you!!!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I don't mean to be crass but I recommend just not watching TV. I never made a conscious effort to not watch TV but for many reasons it just fell out of my life. I don't have cable, I can't really get a public signal, I watch netflix occasionally on instant play but for the most part my life is rich with outdoor activities, work, walking, cooking (healthy!), taking care of the house, seeing friends and reading books.

    If you cut it out of your life, you can not only exchange that time for something more productive but cut those negative messages out of your life. I definitely recommend it.

    How do I avoid the ad's painted on cars? Close my eyes when I drive? Watch out, lol! :laugh:
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    LOL! Maybe she was selling one of those girdle contraptions that make you "appear 30 pounds lighter" and it takes 10 minutes to pull it on.

  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    You know what else is irritating, the people who want to watch cooking shows at the gym. And not even healthy cooking shows!! I will be sweating it out on the eliptical and I look up and there is that Southern lady cook, Sandra Dean or something, and she is making fried chicken!! It always throws me for a loop... :noway:
  • confuseacat
    confuseacat Posts: 137 Member
    Boggles the mind don't it?? Watching the Biggest Loser and during commerical break Jenny Craig ad with Valerie and a Kentucky Fried Chicken ad...:huh: Go figure.:grumble:
  • h_eloise86
    h_eloise86 Posts: 124
    Isn't that the most terrible? The last thing I want to think about while working out is all the foods that I overindulged in that brought me here in the first place. Lol. Fried chicken and treadmills don't mix. They just don't.
  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    LOL! Maybe she was selling one of those girdle contraptions that make you "appear 30 pounds lighter" and it takes 10 minutes to pull it on.

    Then you would probably have an accident trying to get it off and it snaps backs and hits you in the face and then you would have two black yes!!!!! LOL!!! Or even a broken nose!!!! I am laughing so hard right now - I'm peeing!!!!::laugh:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    First of all, I would suggest you simply laugh at the silly ads and not worry about it. Some people don't want to hear that it is going to take hard work and dedication to lose weight. They'll learn the hard way that single products and quick fixes simply won't work. As for the add in the back window of the car, I'd be willing to bet that the referrence is actually (just like the Geico Insurance ads) alluding to a 10 minute phone call will get you all the information, help, product, or fill-in-the-blank you need to loose 30 pounds. That said...don't worry about what anyone else is saying or doing, or selling for that matter! Stay focused on your goals and your plans and be happy with the successes you attain. You'll be more successful and happier in the long run. Best of luck to you!!!

    Thanks for your response (and to the two that suggested I stop watching TV) I'm really not a miserly person who needs to find my way in life that spends hours lying awake dwelling on this stuff. This was pretty much just a "hey guess what stupid thing I saw the other day" kind of post on a slow Thursday afternoon.
  • LAgal
    LAgal Posts: 671 Member
    You know what else is irritating, the people who want to watch cooking shows at the gym. And not even healthy cooking shows!! I will be sweating it out on the eliptical and I look up and there is that Southern lady cook, Sandra Dean or something, and she is making fried chicken!! It always throws me for a loop... :noway:

    Sorry, but I am guilty. I enjoy cooking and I love to watch the food network, even when I am at the gym!
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