How long are your runs before you take water with you?

Sorry for the long title but that says it all. My husband and I normally run 3-4 miles and just drink water before and after. However our long runs are starting to be 6-7 miles and I have to say that by 5 miles (or before) I could use some water. I hope that our runs continue to get longer and I know that weather is going to start getting warmer, should we get some sort of water pack or is it just better to wait until we get home? Oh, there are no drinking fountains along the way.


  • morticiamom
    morticiamom Posts: 221 Member
    I've run close to five miles, and don't take water, but I get pretty dry mouthed by the end. At six to seven miles I think I'd take enough to moisten my mouth, and save the real hydrating for after. I can't stand anything on my stomach, even water, when I run.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    In the summer, even for a 5K when we were training, we ran in loops around our house and left a cup of water in the mailbox. I can run a scheduled 5K without it. They do make waterpack fanny packs and backpacks...I've seen them even at our WalMart. Probably depends a lot on the weather and how hydrated you are going in, too.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    So far I'm good even up to 7 miles without water, but then it's only March. :tongue: Our summers get very hot, and then I do most of my running at dawn to avoid the heat, but I wasn't running more than 4 miles at a time last summer, so....

    I did pick up a handheld water bottle at TJ Maxx - it was around $7, Runner's World label, and had a little sleeve on it with a loop that goes over your hand. I ran with it a few times late last summer, and it's actually pretty comfy to run with - the strap makes it so it just rests in your hand and you don't even have to grip it. I think it holds 12 oz, but I only filled it about halfway because I didn't want much water, just enough to wet my mouth occasionally and didn't want the extra weight in my hand.

    I was at Marshall's at TJ Maxx again today, and both stores had various hydration packs (Nathan brand) - waist belts that hold one or two bottles, the handheld types, and even a vest pack, sort of like a Camelbak. Great prices on them too, check 'em out if you have those stores in your area.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,688 Member
    For me, 8 to 10 km, especially in the summer:)