Recommendations for Omega 3 supplement that is NON fish?

My doctor wants me to up my Omega 3. I have NOT been able to handle the fish oil capsules I've tried in the past. Fishy taste puts me right off, and the fish burp...just, no. I have been taking a mix of borage, flax, and evening primrose, but the doc says this is too high in Omega 6 and that I need to up the Omega 3. (History of high cholesterol and diabetes in my family.)

I bought Udo's Favorite 3.6.9 Omega Oil, which is flax, sesame, and sunflower oil. But a Tbsp (the minimum recommended dose) puts me back 120 calories, and I am supposed to take like 5 Tbsp a day according to the label. I am going to explore using it in food -- it can't be heated, but can be used in salad dressings, etc. So that may help.

I'm' also looking at non-fish-based ways to get Omega 3 through my food. Suggestions welcome.

Does anyone have a non-fish-based Omega 3 supplement, or cocktail of supplements, that they take and have good success? Or, have you found a fish oil supplement with NO fishy aftertaste/fish burp.

Apologies if this has been asked before...just link me to the thread.



  • chessgeekdavidb
    chessgeekdavidb Posts: 208 Member
    Have you tried krill oil? Yes I know it is "fish related" but I have heard it does not have the fishy side effects for everyone.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Type of oil Omega-3 Omega-6 Monounsaturated fat Saturated fat
    Flaxseed oil 57 16 18 9
    Rapeseed oil 10 22 62 6
    Soybean oil 7 54 24 15
    Walnut oil 5 51 28 16
    Olive oil (extra virgin) 1 8 77 14
    Corn oil 1 61 25 13
    Peanut oil 0 33 49 18
    Safflower oil 0 77 13 10
    Sesame oil 0 41 46 13
    Sunflower oil 0 69 20 11
    Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture

    Meat and Dairy Products

    Meat and dairy products may contain omega-3 but the animals must then have been fed fresh grass, something which is not so common today with the demand for high productivity. Cows who eat grain produce more milk, but the milk will contain less omega-3s and other nutrigents. There is for exampel a study (Christa et al.) where different types of cheese were tested. The alpine cheese from grazing cows was much richer in omega-3s than the other types of cheese that were tested. The reason for this is that grass contains lots of omega-3s which is not the case with grain. It makes no difference if the grain is organic or not , since grain is not natural food for grazing animals. Meat from naturally raised animals also contains less saturated fat (Noci et al.).

    A study done by Jana Pickova at Sweden's Farming University showed similar results, when the amount of omega-3 in milk was measured. Ecological milk contains more omega-3 because those cows have been given more fresh grass, and this is the reason why the milk is more nutricious. Pickova also says that just because products are ecologically cultivated does not necessarily mean that they contain more omega-3.
  • kmw899
    kmw899 Posts: 41
    I'm not really a fish person either. Chia seeds are supposed to be high in Omega 3.

    I've never had a problem with any fishy aftertaste. I've taken the Kirkland (Costco) omega 3. I was taking either 2 or 3 a day with food.

    Now I'm taking Nature Made Omega 3 that says burp-less on the front. But the Kirkland is a better deal and I've seen it on Amazon if you don't have a Costco membership.
  • princeliam
    Though I recommend walnuts, my wife recommends flaxseed oil and evening primrose (for women specifically).
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I don't notice any fishy taste or burping from NOW branch fish oil.

    Optimum Nutrition makes a decent one too but the NOW branch has more EPA/DHA per serving from what I've found.
  • Serrell64
    Serrell64 Posts: 8 Member
    I can't handle the Fish Oil either but I heard about the Krill Oil on Dr. Oz that it wouldn't comeback at me like the Fish Oil. I tried it and it is working great for me. I get mine from COSTCO... Schiff MegaRed Extra Strength is the one I use from COSTCO. Hope this helps.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    If you want EPA and DHA, go with krill oil.
    If you want ALA, go with flax.
    I don't know about the other Omega-3s.
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    Thank you all so much! I do have a Costco membership, so I'll look at those options. I've heard that krill oil might be a better fit for me. The list of foods and the breakdown of the different oils is so helpful, too.