Help with my stats and what I'm doing

Hi there! I'm sort of a noob with calculating this stuff so I'd much appreciate advice on what I should be doing.

1) myfitnesspal says I should be eating about 1400 calories a day, to be honest I'm starving with this little calories so I upped it to 1500 calories. I often overeat this much depending where I'm working but I usually net it back down to this amount.

2) I'm a uni student and I endeavour taking public transport most days, I work in a lunch bar and I also work as a waitress. I think I'm somewhat sedentary.

3) I'm 5"3 (162 cm), weigh 128 lbs (58 kg) and last time I estimated my body fat at around 27%.

4) I play beach indoor volleyball once a week, go to Pump class about 2-3x a week (a cardio version of strength with barbells) and do mixed miscellaneous exercise (interval walk/sprint on treadmill, stairmaster, rowing, flies, squats, deadlifts) about 2-3x a week.

So far I haven't lost any weight but I have gotten a tad bit smaller in places here and there. My diet at the moment is all over the place as I'm transitioning back into uni and work life balance. What should I be doing to improve my fat loss goals? My aim is to decrease my body fat %. Should I decrease my calorie intake? Or change my mix in exercise? Or improve my diet but not my calories (I can only eat so much tuna and cottage cheese)?