Stretch Marks?

heidirhodes29 Posts: 8
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anybody use a good cream for stretch marks? I have deep purple ones from my pregnancy that I want to go away.


  • knighty
    knighty Posts: 62
    same problem here, they seem to fade after time but u can still see them
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I used Mederma, it did help some. But you have to use it consistently, 3-4 times a day. They came out with a new formula specificly for Stretch Marks. I have not tried it yet, but I am going to get some. I got them when I was pregnant 3 1/2 years ago and they do fade with time (if you were pregnant recently). Also a good tan really helps them be less noticable!
  • dino_morgan
    dino_morgan Posts: 57 Member
    Stretch marks are permanent, they are never going to completely disappear. The best way to manage them is to use Cocoa Butter before you actually get the stretch marks to help your skin keep its elasticity. As for making them less visible, a good tan and the use of Cocoa Butter can help fade stretch marks. Also, keep your skin well exfoliated with a loofah!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    i've heard rubbing vitamin e on them works... i used regular mederma RELIGIOUSLY for several weeks and they lightened my stretch marks amazingly. after they're white, they never go away, but just continue to get in shape and get some bronzing lotion or a tan and they should be pretty invisible :) mine are the whitest they'll ever be and in the summertime, you can barely see them.
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    Mine were a deep purplish color after delivery. After 11 months, though, they are whole lot lighter....but still present. Honestly it would take surgery to fix the skin and tighten that back up. And considering the fact I opted for a homebirth to avoid my state's 34% cesarean rate....totally not up for surgery to fix it. I'll just wear a one piece. It's just too risky for me.
  • Granny2b
    Granny2b Posts: 91
    In the uk we use bio oil ( dont know if you can get it where you are ?) It is excelllent for stretch marks and scar tissue. Although it wont take them away altogether cream will !!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Taliko
    Taliko Posts: 82 Member
    Stretch marks are pretty much the same thing as scars, they never go away entirely. Vitamin E oil really helped mine fade to white, they were really bad after my son was born. You can still see and feel though.

    I know you can get laser treatment done on them to reduce their visibility, but it's expensive, painful and doesn't get rid of them entirely. Not worth it if you ask me.
  • Stretch marks never go away, I am very self conscious about the ones on my stomach. I had surgery a year ago (not for my stomach and leave it at that lol) and to help my scars I used Bio Oil (in Canada) it has helped the scars fade and now that I see that I am going to start using it on my stomach and see how it helps mine. I was told by my Dr that my skin just isn't very elastic so my stomach has very deeps ones, I am hoping that as time goes on and I lose the fat around my waist that the skin will tighten up a bit and atleast they won't be so deep, and with Bio Oil they won't be as noticeable either.
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    I'm gonna back up the "they never go away" advice. It's true. They are their for life. It really depends on your skin tone to try tanning. Some people (like me) they tan darker, therefore making them MORE visible. It's really okay though...I prefer not to tan anyway. They are scars...they happened because your skin was stretched beyond their elasticity point. Here's an example...take a piece of silly putty or gum (or if you like to bake like me...DOUGH) and stretch it out into a circle, making a thin membrane....once that membrane's been stretched passed what it is capable of handling...and you can't put it back together the same way it was before.

    Don't buy into all the lotions and crap they want to sell you. There is nothing that is going to make them disappear. The only way to not have stretch to prevent them and frankly...its mostly genetic.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Sometimes nothing you do can help, it has some to do with genetics as well as outside factors like dehydration and moisture-loss and fast weight gain. My first PG I weighed 93lbs when I got PG ended at 136 (yeah I know :noway: ) and got 2 tiny tiny marks. I used cocoa butter everyday, drank water all day etc. My second PG I weighed 108 when I got Pg and ended at 133. I used coco butter 4 times a day, drank water all day, worked out, etc I got blasted with them. My mom has a road map of my PG on her tummy. :heart: I've been using the Mederma stretch mark cream and haven't noticed a difference. I want to try Bio-oil (have heard great things about it) and if that fails I'l fork out the $$ for Strivectin. LOL GL!!
  • Stretch marks are permanent, they are never going to completely disappear. The best way to manage them is to use Cocoa Butter before you actually get the stretch marks to help your skin keep its elasticity. As for making them less visible, a good tan and the use of Cocoa Butter can help fade stretch marks. Also, keep your skin well exfoliated with a loofah!

    I have to agree they will never disappear completely. Stretch marks are under your first layer of skin so even creams really won't work.Over time they will lighten up. I've heard that tanning will help them to be not so visible. Good luck.
  • They are permanent but they will fade and become less noticable over time. As for tanning I would suggest sunless tanning creams and not a tan by the sun or a tanning bed. You may look good for the time being but tanning does damage the skin and it can be permanent. I will take stretch marks over skin cancer any day, because believe me the scars from skin cancer removal are not pretty. Just my two cents.
  • Everything i read on here is talking about stretch marks due to pregnancy. =( I havent even had a baby and i have them on my inner thighs my outter thighs and chest and even on my bottom due to rapid weight gain. After high school lets just say i "blossumed"...a little too much i'd say. I feel super self conscience about them. I cant wear regular bikini bottoms anymore like i used to. I have to wear the shorts to hide the ones on my outter hips/thighs. Its embarassing being 19 with stretch marks!!... My boyfriend asked what had happend there. I was humiliated..."I got fat! That's what happend!!!" When i told him what they were he didn't believe me. He said they looked like scars, there was no way those were stretch marks. I was mortified. They bug me eveyday and everytime i look in the mirror i wish they would just lighten up!!.
  • TY everyone:)
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