Low - calorie sweet snack?



  • Guillotined
    Guillotined Posts: 115
    Although I avoid dairy now, I used to love yogurt and it makes a great sweet-craving snack. Don't think I'm allowed to name brands on here, but definitely go for a Greek yogurt and, if you can afford it, organic.
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    I'm hooked on the Fiber One line of products! Their Choc Caramel Pretzel Bar and Brownie are only 90 cal and are SO GOOD. I miss chocolate and candy bars (especially snickers) and this helps me get through those urges.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    One more: Natural home squeezed fruit juices without sugar.. 30-50 refreshing and filling cals.. Take the juice to work in a bottle..
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Cadbury's Options or Highlights hot chocolate sachets are 40 calories each.

    A lot of basic sweet/salt popcorn is around 100 calories for 25g.
  • markjz
    markjz Posts: 5
    a 1 square inch cube of home made fudge 100 cal. I find it to be very satisfying and even kills the worst of hunger cravings. eat them every day. even two some times. Or I can take a walk around the park for and hour and burn enough calories for 3 more.
    Can you enjoy fudge and still lose weight? See signature.
  • LynNann57
    LynNann57 Posts: 30 Member
    A fudgicle, or Nescafe's sweet escapes dark chocolate(k-cup) for a chocolate sweet tooth(40 calories and 60 calories ). A small amount of neutella with strawberries. Frozen banana with or without peanut butter. Also, low fat cinnamon graham crackers, 3 caramel creams, or Edy's low fat slow churned yogurt (caramel praline crunch is to die for). I also do apple slices, but I sprinkle only with cinnamon, and it is yummy!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    TastyKake Jelly Krimpet: 105 calories
    TastyKake Peanut Butter Kandy Kake: 90 calories

    (edit: misstated Krimpet cals--it's only 105, not 110)