Running with a friend

workingitout Posts: 105 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm very new to running. Right now I spend an hour as follows: walk 2 songs to warmup, run 1 mile, walk 1 song, run 1 mile, walk 1 song, run 1 mile, walk 3 songs to cool down. So it ends up with 3 miles running and about 2 miles walking. The only thing that stops me from running further than a mile before the walk break is psychological - not physical pain, not breathing issues, I just start thinking about "how long til I can walk". I wondered if it is better to run with a friend. I am running about a 12 minute mile, so maybe that would help me speed up and also help me go further without thinking that I want to quit runnning and start walking. Is this generally true, or do you think it's harder to run with a friend?


  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    It probably will depend on the friend. I find that I do the same thing when I'm on the treadmill... I run and run and then look forward to a walk break. I try to push myself, but for some reason I feel like I get more tired running by myself. And its totally psychological. When I "allow" myself a walk break, or two... as I am running I can't stop thinking about how much longer it is until my walk break. So weird! But, when I run with my husband I found that we could run 4-6 miles straight without any "walks breaks", and I was just fine! I think it was because I didn't want to slow him down, and part of me wanted to prove to him that I am in just as good, or better shape than him. Or I guess...prove that to myself. However there are some friends of mine that I can think of who may either drag me down or who are too uptight about their pace. Its gotta be someone who is willing to go the same pace you are, the same distance, same goals, and someone who is understanding. I know that if I get a side-ache while running I'll ask my husband to walk for a second, and I don't feel too bad because he doesn't mind.

    Hopefully that helps... sometimes having a friend can really help push you to meet your goals, especially if you find that you are not trusting yourself to go steady on your own. Good luck! Running can be a fun way to bond with someone! Sometimes we make it a game, taking harder trails, sprint/jog intervals, how far we can go without walking...etc... Keep mixing up your runs and you'll learn to love it!
  • Hi, I would say it is deffo easier running with some one else. I really struggle with running on me own but when im with some one i find it so much easier.
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    You should look into the C25K Plan check out It's an amazing program.. I haven't completed it yet, I am on week 6 and I love it!! You can also Download podcasts that prompt you to run/walk!

    Hope this helps!!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    You should look into the C25K Plan check out It's an amazing program.. I haven't completed it yet, I am on week 6 and I love it!! You can also Download podcasts that prompt you to run/walk!

    Hope this helps!!

    OOO! I agree that the Couch to 5K is a grrrreat program for those who are starting out! I did that about 3 years ago before I started getting into running. It was awesome! Now I'm striving to get to my 10K! Yippee! Definitely check out the could even start the program with a friend!
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    I think it really helps to have a running buddy for a number of reasons. It provides accountability which helps with motivation because someone else is depending on you to show up for a run. Also the time passes faster and running seems less like work because if you run at the right pace you can still carry on a conversation. Finally, a little friendly competition helps both people get stronger and become better runners. I have run with others alot in the past especially when seriously training for marathons. I don't have anyone to run with right now and it is sure something I miss.
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    I agree that it totally depends on the friend, but what about trying to change up your music? I find that if I listen to a certain list of songs, I can run the whole time, no problem, but other songs just don't do it for me. Maybe if you program your ipod (or whatever) with a continuous list of rockin songs that will keep you going for longer, it would force you to keep going. It's just a matter of messing with your mind!
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    i find that if i 'allow' myself to have any walking time, i will walk, if i tell myself nope, no walking, stick it out...i find i dont feel like i have to walk and i just keep going....tell yourself NO!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Having walk time is an important part of learning to run long distances. It is not cheating, it is not wimpy and all the other things that we convince ourselves. In fact, it may help you avoid injury. I highly recommend reading anything and everything by Jeff Galloway. Go to for information.
    Keep Mileing and Keep Smiling
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