42 yr old with Hysterectomy



  • DianaJaneD
    DianaJaneD Posts: 157 Member
    You can get to a healthy weight and maintain it after a hysterectomy! I gained lots of weight after mine and 40's were my unhealthiest decade ever. Now I'm 57 and just several lbs. shy of my goal after losing 75 lbs. total. You are fortunate to be aware of it now, before your weight gets out of hand. I wish I had known how to be healthy and successful at losing weight much sooner! What turned my life around was getting rid of mindless eating with the help of MFP. Logging food and exercise has made all the difference for me. And teaching myself about good nutrition by reading many books. Also dumping the ridiculous low calorie "diets" that only mess up your metabolism further and cause you to gain the weight back and then some more! I have also learned to love being active and not avoiding exercise and sweating! Feel free to read my profile for more details. Best wishes for claiming your best health NOW!!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'm 39 and I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago and have gained about 30 lbs and am having a hard time losing too. I kept my ovaries but they stopped working anyways. I take estrogen and that helps. My mom who is 58 said to just wait out menopause and then the weight will come back off but I am continuing to try anyways. I think exercise is really the key to it all. Your metabolism slows down when you hit menopause so the exercise helps speed it back up.

    Your metabolism doesn't slow down with menopause or age. The reason we gain weight more easily as we age is that we become less active and replace muscle with fat which doesn't burn as much. Staying active, lifting to increase or maintain muscle mass and eating properly will keep you healthy.
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member
    Had a partial at age 37 and didn't gain right away. Didn't do HRT for health reasons so I had to exercise religiously and really watch what I ate.

    Exercise is the key-really no way around it even if it's regular fast paced walking.
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member