
shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
Not a very creative subject line I know, but I couldn't think of anything that sounded right. I've had the app on my phone for awhile now, but just recently decided I should actively use it and this is my first time on the website itself.

*About Me:

I'm a 23 years old, 5ft 4in, and 215lbs. I wasn't always on the heavy side. Up until 4 years ago my weight would fluctuate between 125lbs -135lbs. I was very active and ate what I wanted in small portions. Then I got lazy, stopped working out and started eating bigger portions. I'm not sure what triggered the change in behavior, but I know that the change in lifestyle is why I weigh what I do today. I'm slowly making changes that will make me a healthier person.

I am married and a stay-at-home mom.I'm also a gamer. I like GW2, GW, Final Fantasy, Halo, ect. My husband is making small changes in his life to be healthier as well. My son will be 15 months old on 3/23 and is my little miracle. I say he is my miracle, because he was delivered via an emergency c-section at 34wks. After the c-section I weighed 260lbs, which is the most I have ever weighed in my life and I hope that I will never weigh that much again. This experience is what made me realize something had to change.

In the first 6 months after my pregnancy, I lost 62lbs which brought my weight down to 198lbs. But I grew tired of the dramatic diet I had used to get there. (Grilled chicken and Salad w/cranberries & raspberry vinaigrette...nothing else) So I gained 20lbs of the weight I had lost back. So although the diet along with exercise helped me drop the weight fast, it was something I could keep doing.

*My Goals:

I want to get back down to 135lbs and be healthy as well. I'm aiming for meeting my goal weight in 2 years time.

*My Plan:

After my first diet attempt, I've devised a new plan. This time allowing more freedom in what I eat, but doing so with smaller portions and healthy choices.

- Eating 1200-1600 calories a day
- Opting for whole grains
- using either ground turkey or extra lean ground beef when make chili, hamburgers, ect
- instead of Mcdonalds, Jack n' the box, ect twice a month...getting a sub from Subway or not eating out at all
- taking walks with my husband and son 3 - 4 times a week....walking the trail around the lake at least once (0.7 miles) or the trail by the river (2.5 miles to the end and 2.5 miles back to the start)
- using "Your Shape: FE 2012" for 15-30 mins everyday....I really like the cardio boxing, brick breaking, and boot camp programs.
-opting healthy snacks like low fat greek yogurt.

Any tips would be great. Also if anyone could share any links to sites with healthy low calorie/low fat recipes.
