I Quit Smoking and I STILL Lost :)

I am a 43 year old female that smoked for 30 years. I wouldn't quit because I didn't want to gain more weight and its a proven fact that when you quit, you gain :( Well between my physical last year and this year, I gained 15 pounds! I talked to my doctor and he assured me if I quit and gained, he could help with the weight gain. I decided to do it since I proved regardless of smoking, I was still going to gain. So, I quit smoking just over a month ago and my daughter told me about this site. My goal when I started this a month ago was just to maintain because I really did not want to gain anymore weight! I LOVE this site by the way <3 I started logging everything and then dropped off but now I am back and more psyched than ever. I have been keeping track and logging everything and Guess What? I LOST 4 pounds!!! I never thought I would be so excited over 4 pounds but with quitting smoking, it has helped to teach me that I have to adjust my life habits if I want to be succesful. Well the same holds true for losing weight as I have known for years but I guess never accepted. If I couldn't do it fast, I wasn't going to do it at all. Well here I am today with a total goal of losing 100 pounds and I am psyched and I am more ready than ever. If it makes any sense at all, quitting 2 bad habits at the same time seems to be easier I guess because I had to be disciplined with one already.

Anyway, moral to my story...remember the tale of the rabbit and the hare? Be patient and it will happen if you stay true and pace yourself. Good luck to everyone!


  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    that's totally great! way to go :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Awesome! Many have proven the "quit smoking, gain weight" theory to be false. I think it really depends on the person. My grandma gained when she quit but she says the only reason is because everytime she had a craving, she ate hard candy. It all added up! :happy: Good job & congrats on your loss!!! Stick around and you should get rid of the rest in no time.