Low Carb...help!?

AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been toying with the idea of trying the low carb thing for awhile now. I know it is not the healthiest, especially in the beginning stages, but I feel as if I stick to fat free cheeses for dairy and veggies and chicken and fish, I can make it somewhat ok.

I am getting married in 10 days and would like to drop a few pounds. I have been on here for 75 days now and have only lost 2 pounds total. I have been following everything....working out, eating all of my calories.. drinking 18 cups of water a day, .but no loss.

What are the chances of losing a little of the flab on my lower stomach area (that little fat pouch a lot of females get) and it appearing flatter if I stick to this hard core for 9 days? I know it wont be permanent loss, but since nothing else has worked up until now, I feel if I want that area to appear flatter, cutting out all carbs is my only bet.

Does cutting out carbs really help with this, even if only short term? I've heard it does, but it could be one of those myths we all hear all the time!

My ultimate goal is 125....and after the wedding, I definitely plan on reaching this, however slow it may be....just FOR the wedding, well...you know what I am saying. :)

Thanks in advance


  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    18 cups of water a day??? As in 144 ounces of water? If that's half your body weight, then nevermind, ignore this post :bigsmile: Otherwise, cut back on water as you might be drinking too much so part of your weight could be all that excess water.

    And unfortunately, weight loss doesn't work the way you want it to. You can't spot reduce fat; your body will burn it from all over and working/toning muslces in an area will not help accelerate fat burn in that area, only tone the muscles and get them ready to show off for when the fat finally does go away. I know this from experience, as my hips, butt and thighs are last to go :frown: , but they're getting there, albeit slower than everywhere else :laugh:

    The best thing would be lots of cardio and other workouts that get your HR up to accelerate calorie burn. Keep your calories under control, and watch your water and carbs (don't complete cut them out, but you still need carbs for your muscles). Try that and see how it works.
  • ardent
    ardent Posts: 8 Member
    i did low carb 2 years ago and lost 30 lb's....my stomach flattened a lot! so it's definitely not a myth =) hopefully it will work for you!!!

    good luck! and congrats on getting married!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Check out South Beach ... it starts off low carb but has a much healthier outcome as you progress through the phases. It's been known to target the stomach first.
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    I am insulin resistant.. Meaning.. my body stores carbs and does not digest them right... anyhow... I have to eat a low carb diet.. HOWEVER... You need to be realistic.... Eating foods high in whole grain are good, keep them to a hundred calories each. stay away from pop, candy, junk, I know its hard but I do eat ice cream. I LVOE IT and its one thing i dont give up... Pizza either... so for a meal with low carbs u can do

    1 slice of pizza
    Med Antipasta salad with Italian dressing or ranch. (the two lowest in carbs)
    and jello

    A can of tuna with mirical whip only 40 cals per serv ( i use light)
    whole grain pita (kangaroo) or the new slim buns or WHole grain light wheat bread ( 70 cals)
    grapes or strawberrys
    a salad or lots of veggies...

    FOr dinner

    Grilled chicken breast
    I eat the steamables rice and veggies.. SUPER easy super good
    and a fruit salad

    snacks include

    whole grain cereal with skim milk


    Triscuits and cheese (1 serving of each)

    just make sure you portion right adn hang in there...

    Eatting a double cheeseburger with no bread will kill you..lol you get the hint.. SO you can do it.. just in moderation...

    The south beach diet is good.. however if you dont like fish its hard... ( I HATE IT)

    hope this helps, and stay away from FAT FREE FOODS.... they have more carbs in them CHECK IT OUT..... instead if available use the 2% or regular, just keep it minimal, the fats in cheese in moderation are good for you....

  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    like a past poster said, diets don't let you pick where you lose the weight. varying your diet is a good thing, because it keeps your metabolism from flat lining. but if you specifically want to se results in your stomach region, then you need to do work outs that focus on that area. pilates, belly dance, and of course crunches, will make a big difference.
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