Cheat Day Followed By Fast Day?

Has anyone tried this?
I've heard it's good...


  • I wonder this same thing. I hope someone answers
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    this is called diet mentality.... a day of stuffing your face followed by punishing yourself!
    Why would you bother? I'm not trying to be rude, but this is the quickest way to go off the rails that I can think of.
    Eat normally, and learn how to treat food like fuel and not the enemy.
    My theory on cheat days? You arent learning anything. I still go out, I have dinner out, and I have alcohol sometimes, life is meant to be lived, not trying to make up for the days pigging out by starving.
    Good luck :D
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I practice intermittent fasting so some days my calorie allowance is higher and some days it is lower. If I do a 24 hour fast, I allow myself 500-600 calories for dinner (I fast dinner to dinner). I spread the extra calories out over the week or allot them to a day.

    It isn't unreasonable to think that once on maintenance, you will have some days (social events etc...) where your calories will be a good bit higher than maintenance calories. IMO, there is nothing wrong with planning for it by either fasting the day of (i.e. planning a 24 hour fast leading up to a social event where your calories would be around maintenance) or fasting the day after to balance things out.

    Some people do well with consistent calories each day but it doesn't suit my lifestyle or eating habits. I think that making a healthy lifestyle involves recognizing what works for you and having realistic expectations about your capabilities. If I expect myself to always be exactly at my calories (whether while losing weight or in maintenance) I am setting myself up for failure. My weekly calorie bar graph looks more like peaks and valleys than a smooth line but at the end of the week, it all averages out.