Starvation mode (again probably...)



  • AlyssaC2010
    AlyssaC2010 Posts: 100
    I know that it affects a lot of things, but your right actually, maybe I should see a doctor because I had what he thought might have been acid reflux back in january... and thinking about it, thats when i started eating much less food etc... so maybe it's something to do with that.

    When my mom was in the hospital she had to be put on a blood thinner (2 clots in her lungs) and that really affected her with acid reflux -wise. She actually couldn't eat as much, wasn't hungry as much, etc. She got a prescription for Kapadex (acid reflux medicine) and she was able to eat normally again...she's very active as it is but she didn't put on too much weight after taking the medicine. If you still have the acid reflux maybe see a gastro doctor? Or ask for a prescription strength medicine? I hope you get rid of that because it's not fun to have...especially all the time!
  • Listen the brain is not stupid. If you starve it it will take steps to survive, much like it does during hypothermia. Try and eat at least 1000 to1200 calories a day and plan on losing 2 lbs a week. Don't panic if you are full and don't eat that much occasionally, but do not set a goal of 500 calories a day. Use the MBR calculator to estimate the calories your body requires to function at full rest. Take that daily count and multiply by seven days for a weekly total, then subtract 3500 calories for each pound you want to loss per weak (7000 for 2 pounds) and that's your goal. Do try and have different calorie intakes per day so your mind doesn't get in a set cycle keep your mind guessing. Then excersise with some for of resistance training like light weights. Stay away from processed foods and sugars of all kinds. Snack slowly on raw almonds one at a time to kill hunger and eat nut butters instead of processed peanut butter. Remember we didn't put this weight on over night and therefore it must come off slowly by burning fat, not muscle. A pound of fat take 3 times the area as a pound of muscle. Try and get out of the immediate results mode and add each victory to another. Hope this helps. Stay focused it will work!
  • You know, after seeing all these threads about starvation mode it just makes me think one thing:


    I'm serious. It's not an instantaneous thing, at least I don't think so. I mean, I can see it happening if you make a habit of continuously under eating your calories. Just like it takes a while for your body to become dehydrated, or to experience a drop in iron or anything, these things take time and it doesn't happen as quickly as you might think. I think this is just common sense.

    I think they put the warning there because they're obligated to because maybe yes, it might be dangerous to not consume that many calories consistently. But think about it, this is a website offering a service and imagine if someone died of starvation because they weren't aware that they were potentially starving themselves? Then this site would be sued. So they have to put in a warning in the script when they see the math doesn't add up. It's a game of CYA (Cover Your *kitten*).

    If you are seriously that concerned, talk to a nutritionist!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,023 Member
    You know, after seeing all these threads about starvation mode it just makes me think one thing:


    I'm serious. It's not an instantaneous thing, at least I don't think so. I mean, I can see it happening if you make a habit of continuously under eating your calories. Just like it takes a while for your body to become dehydrated, or to experience a drop in iron or anything, these things take time and it doesn't happen as quickly as you might think. I think this is just common sense.

    I think they put the warning there because they're obligated to because maybe yes, it might be dangerous to not consume that many calories consistently. But think about it, this is a website offering a service and imagine if someone died of starvation because they weren't aware that they were potentially starving themselves? Then this site would be sued. So they have to put in a warning in the script when they see the math doesn't add up. It's a game of CYA (Cover Your *kitten*).

    If you are seriously that concerned, talk to a nutritionist!
    I think you might be confused about what it means when people talk about starvation mode. Generally, they're talking about the body's metabolism slowing down when it doesn't take in adequate calories for energy, not that someone is literally starving to death.
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