Why can't I just pass 'em by?

People in my office host a lot of meetings and many times order food for the meetings. Of course there are always leftovers and they are always set out on a table about 30 feet from my office. The past few days there have been the most delicious brownies from a local cafe. They are fabulous! How do I know they are so fabulous? Because I cannot stinkin' pass by them without eating one...and they are not small brownies. I was doing so good and have passed up many things on the table over the past month since I started tracking what I eat. My mistake was eating that first one. I know I can't stop at one of anything. It's been a downward sprial since that first taste.

I have tried chewing gum, drinking water or walking up and down the stairs when I think about having one but it just is not working. If they are not gone when I come in to work tomorrow morning I am throwing them away!


  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    LOL agree, toss them!
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    Maybe keep some 100 calorie treats in your desk so you can have a treat while choosing a "healthier" option. Will power!! You can do it :wink:
  • marsfitness
    marsfitness Posts: 1 Member
    What you need to do is chew it and then spit it out. That way, you enjoy the taste and not the calories :wink:
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    What you need to do is chew it and then spit it out. That way, you enjoy the taste and not the calories :wink:
    Well thats just weird! and gross haha :laugh:
  • Julie837
    Julie837 Posts: 84
    I've been eating those fiber one chocolate oat bars before I go anywhere I might have a craving, and they have been amazing at helping to keep the munchies away. They have 150 calories, but with skim milk or water they're very filling, and will save you from a high fat high calorie brownie every time. I don't bother with the 100 calorie granola bars because they just don't stick.
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    I've been eating those fiber one chocolate oat bars before I go anywhere I might have a craving, and they have been amazing at helping to keep the munchies away. They have 150 calories, but with skim milk or water they're very filling, and will save you from a high fat high calorie brownie every time. I don't bother with the 100 calorie granola bars because they just don't stick.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE those!! They are SO filling and they are sweet enough to make me feel like I'm getting my sugar fix...sometimes I feel bad eating them, lol I will have one for breakfast and one for my snack at the end of the day if I still have calories left over. But I am also a person who finds it VERY difficult to walk by something...especially something that you don't have everyday, and not eat it. I would probably eat it too. But lately I've been pretty good at just being able to take a couple of bites and then THROW it away!! :) Don't feel bad, we just need to work on our willpower! But def. give those Fiber One bars..they are delicious and filling. I drink a tall glass of water to wash it down and I am full!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You can pass them by. You just have to make the choice to. I like the idea of keeping either a low calorie or a healthy snack in your desk for when you get the munchies. I find that if I eat enough during the day, I don't really get cravings.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    If you really absolutely cannot resist having a brownie, then cut one in half and then cut it in half again. That way you're only eating a 1/4 and you've probably helped someone else who wanted to eat the whole brownie eat just a fraction of one. Offices are the worst, but you can't eat everything that people leave out...so choose your battles wisely. Maybe only allow yourself a 1/4 of one a week or something of that nature. We used to have donuts all the time at my office, so every once in a while I would allow myself a munchkin...I always felt good because I was making a better choice (by not eating a whole donut) and because I wasn't denying myself to eat something I wanted. Win-win!
  • SwissTracey
    SwissTracey Posts: 34 Member
    What I try to think about (even though it doesn't always work) is figure out a ball park on the calories. Then figure out how much exercise you need to do to burn that one brownie off. Its amazing how much time, sweat and sometimes pain it takes to enjoy that one brownie for a few seconds.
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Well, they are finally gone. Of course I contributed to that by eating too many before I threw them away. It was strictly lack of willpower. My desk is stocked with healthy low cal foods and I am never hungry when I go for the brownies. As a matter of fact, by the time I am finished eating it I am so full I feel sick.

    They are gone and tomorrow is a new day and back to my healthier ways. I had been doing so good. I know I can get back to it (with a little mental work).
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I saw this thread this morning, but had problems with seeing the full message..
    Mamabear - Now you know that sick feeling, and remember it the next time this temptation happens.
    You got the right idea, tomorrow's a new day!!! Get right back at it.

    One solution. Can you not take these brownies or whatever treat somewhere else in the office, so it would get eaten up by other staff that aren't aware of the treats available? Reception area, cafeteria, warehouse, take it to the young guys that can burn off that junk.
    This way if it's gone...... "out of sight, out of mind"
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Regarding the Fiber One bars...if you like those, I have a suggestion that is lower in sodium and calories. Fiber Plus Bars, by Kellogg's have lower sodium than Fiber One and the two I compared were lower in calories also. They have a chocolate chip one, and a dark chocolate almond one. I have been known to eat them for dessert.
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion thumper. I didn't even think of moving them because they woud still be pretty close, but we do have a second floor. Next time I will take the food up there and leave them in our kitchen.