Cleanse - why you are lucky they don't work



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Also, there's no such thing as light. Light is merely the absence of dark. Lights do not emit light, they suck dark.
    I know, right? Look at schematic diagrams and the abbreviation for a light bulb is often "DS" ... dark sucker.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    5) if cleanses worked and increased the liver detoxification processes such as methylation, the resulting metabolites would no longer be cleared sufficiently fast resulting in more toxic metabolites being left available.

    You made step 5 up. It's just your theory. Why wouldn't they be no longer cleared sufficiently fast enough? Is the detox just going to speed up methylation and not the removal?

    Detoxes done right speed up liver detoxification all the way to the toilet bowl.

    You'll find out that I make up very little on science subjects. Please see the reference I posted. Step five is NOT my theory but a published, PubMed referenced article. It is a theory but there is a body of science of various articles backing it up and others on metabolite availability. BTW, the arsenic metabolitles are also the reason we see an increase in cancer in the kidneys - the are NOT accumulating arsenic but the metabolite. I can dig up the reference for that too - not MY theory.
    What metabolite specifically of those mentioned is causing the problems?

    Arsenic III and MMA III are considered to be more bioavailable and toxic than the inorganic metal or prior intermediate step metabolites. It's all in the article referenced.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Also, there's no such thing as light. Light is merely the absence of dark. Lights do not emit light, they suck dark.
    I know, right? Look at schematic diagrams and the abbreviation for a light bulb is often "DS" ... dark sucker.

    absolutely. and we should all swallow fairy lights to cleanse the dark out of our colons

    and then poop rainbows


    right click to view entire image (stupid thing is too big lol)
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    5) if cleanses worked and increased the liver detoxification processes such as methylation, the resulting metabolites would no longer be cleared sufficiently fast resulting in more toxic metabolites being left available.

    You made step 5 up. It's just your theory. Why wouldn't they be no longer cleared sufficiently fast enough? Is the detox just going to speed up methylation and not the removal?

    Detoxes done right speed up liver detoxification all the way to the toilet bowl.
    Can you please enlighten us as to which specific detox(es) are demonstrated to speed up both liver detoxification and the kidneys' removal of which elements/molecule(s)?

    Thanks in advance.:happy:
    The foods that speed up the phases of liver detoxification and removing from the diet those that hinder it.
    Well I only got through part of the first page and I'm so glad to have "learned" that liver spots are a symptom of liver dysfunction.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Also, there's no such thing as light. Light is merely the absence of dark. Lights do not emit light, they suck dark.
    I know, right? Look at schematic diagrams and the abbreviation for a light bulb is often "DS" ... dark sucker.

    absolutely. and we should all swallow fairy lights to cleanse the dark out of our colons

    and then poop rainbows

    For some reason, I read that as croutons - and I don't even like croutons
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Also, there's no such thing as light. Light is merely the absence of dark. Lights do not emit light, they suck dark.
    I know, right? Look at schematic diagrams and the abbreviation for a light bulb is often "DS" ... dark sucker.

    absolutely. and we should all swallow fairy lights to cleanse the dark out of our colons

    and then poop rainbows
    After eating birthday cake with multicolored frosting we've all been pooping rainbows in my house this week. :)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I just woke up and read this post.

    Today will be a good day.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Also, there's no such thing as light. Light is merely the absence of dark. Lights do not emit light, they suck dark.
    I know, right? Look at schematic diagrams and the abbreviation for a light bulb is often "DS" ... dark sucker.

    absolutely. and we should all swallow fairy lights to cleanse the dark out of our colons

    and then poop rainbows

    For some reason, I read that as croutons - and I don't even like croutons

    Obviously the toxins are causing neurological symptoms. I urge you to seek immediate treatment from a holistic or energy healer. A real doctor wouldn't properly know how to help you.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    3) The "detoxing" process of the liver actually increases the bioavailability of the metabolite and increases the cancer causing effects of arsenic.

    Can you please explain to me in further detail about #3. Specifically how does the "detoxing process increase the bioavailability.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    5) if cleanses worked and increased the liver detoxification processes such as methylation, the resulting metabolites would no longer be cleared sufficiently fast resulting in more toxic metabolites being left available.

    You made step 5 up. It's just your theory. Why wouldn't they be no longer cleared sufficiently fast enough? Is the detox just going to speed up methylation and not the removal?

    Detoxes done right speed up liver detoxification all the way to the toilet bowl.
    Can you please enlighten us as to which specific detox(es) are demonstrated to speed up both liver detoxification and the kidneys' removal of which elements/molecule(s)?

    Thanks in advance.:happy:
    The foods that speed up the phases of liver detoxification and removing from the diet those that hinder it.

    That's an interesting pdf - but it has some junk science that someone has either made up or misunderstood or over simplified.

    Lets take arsenic - the liver does not just metabolize arsenic into water soluble compounds that are simply eliminated. Actually metalic arsenic is more water soluble than the organoarsenic metabolites, methylation of metalic arsenic results in bioactive intermediates.

    The phrase " The role of these various enzyme activities in the liver is to convert fat soluble toxins into water soluble substances that can be excreted in the urine" in the pdf is incorrect. The general idea that these converted substances are detoxified is often correct but not so for arsenic. The metabolites are highly toxic. Time for another reference, so you don't tell me again that I'm making things up.
    In humans, as in most mammalian species, inorganic arsenic is methylated to methylarsonic acid (MMA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) by alternating reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent and addition of a methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine. The methylation of inorganic arsenic may be considered a detoxification mechanism, as the end metabolites, MMA and DMA, are less reactive with tissue constituents, less toxic, and more readily excreted in the urine than is inorganic arsenic, especially the trivalent form (AsIII, arsenite). The latter is highly reactive with tissue components, due to its strong affinity for sulfhydryl groups. Thus, following exposure to AsV the first step in the biotransformation, i.e. the reduction to AsIII, may be considered a bioactivation. Also, reactive intermediate metabolites of high toxicity, mainly MMAIII, may be formed and distributed to tissues. Low levels of MMAIII and DMAIII have been detected in urine of individuals chronically exposed to inorganic arsenic via drinking water. However, the contribution of MMAIIIand DMAIII to the toxicity observed after intake of inorganic arsenic by humans remains to be elucidated. The major route of excretion of arsenic is via the kidneys. Evaluation of the methylation of arsenic is mainly based on the relative amounts of the different metabolites in urine. On average human urine contains 10-30% inorganic arsenic, 10-20% MMA and 60-80% DMA

    This address point 3, too.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Also, there's no such thing as light. Light is merely the absence of dark. Lights do not emit light, they suck dark.
    I know, right? Look at schematic diagrams and the abbreviation for a light bulb is often "DS" ... dark sucker.

    absolutely. and we should all swallow fairy lights to cleanse the dark out of our colons

    and then poop rainbows

    For some reason, I read that as croutons - and I don't even like croutons

    Obviously the toxins are causing neurological symptoms. I urge you to seek immediate treatment from a holistic or energy healer. A real doctor wouldn't properly know how to help you.

    Croutons are the result of so much dark in the colon that it all sticks together to form small, bread-like chunks. The colon absolutely must be cleansed immediately, as this is known to cause neurological symptoms in severe cases. What you really need to do is swallow enough fairy lights to light the entire Trafalgar Square christmas tree, plus as much of the Blackpool illuminations as can be physically swallowed, to really thoroughly cleanse the colon and all the rest of the insides of dark.

    Repeat until poop is truly rainbow coloured.

    (apologies to anyone who is eating croutons while reading this...)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    5) if cleanses worked and increased the liver detoxification processes such as methylation, the resulting metabolites would no longer be cleared sufficiently fast resulting in more toxic metabolites being left available.

    You made step 5 up. It's just your theory. Why wouldn't they be no longer cleared sufficiently fast enough? Is the detox just going to speed up methylation and not the removal?

    Detoxes done right speed up liver detoxification all the way to the toilet bowl.
    Can you please enlighten us as to which specific detox(es) are demonstrated to speed up both liver detoxification and the kidneys' removal of which elements/molecule(s)?

    Thanks in advance.:happy:
    The foods that speed up the phases of liver detoxification and removing from the diet those that hinder it.
    There are so many things wrong with that link that I'm not even sure where to start. I'm just still laughing over the idea that they tried to state that EVERY possible symptom a person could experience is caused by liver problems. Also, jaundice is yellow, not red. I've had liver issues, and I turned yellow. Never did I have red palms, they were also yellow. Liver spots also have nothing to do with the liver, they are a skin pigmentation issue caused by sun exposure.

    The entire link is a joke.
  • saragregg
    saragregg Posts: 38 Member
    Every prof i've ever had in my four years of biochemistry has insisted that cleanses are BAD. Your body has the mechanisms to clear what's not meant to be. There's no point in trying to explain it to people. Biochem is a whole different language......And i'm too lazy to argue with people :D
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    What I don't understand is... why go through it? Why put yourself, your mind and body through hell like cleanse? I have seen my friends try it, there was temporary results, nothing that lasted. And even the temporary results were kinda meh.

    What is so bad about eating right, working out and enjoying your health? Why make yourself miserable all the time by eating only a specific food or by drinking certain juice?
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I'm just still laughing over the idea that they tried to state that EVERY possible symptom a person could experience is caused by liver problems.
    Srsly. Reminds me of the Far Side horse vet book where the treatment for everything is the same...

    Or this one:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    ON a more serious note...

    "cleansing" is pseudoscience, and as the OP stated, if it actually changed how your liver functions it would probably do more harm than good, as the body knows what it's doing. Your body is the result of millions of years of evolution, and if our livers, kidneys and colons couldn't cleanse themselves, we wouldn't be here having this conversation.

    points to remember:

    - your liver and kidneys already do a good job. If they are not working right, you need to see a doctor immediately. There are legitimate medical treatments which detoxify the blood, such as kidney dialysis, which is used in cases of kidney failure, which is a medical emergency. If your liver and/or kidneys are failing, you will become ill very quickly, and probably be treated in the emergency department, then referred to a specialist doctor.

    - being properly hydrated and nourished means your liver and kidneys will be able to function slightly more effectively. As is the case for all the organs in your body, they require nutrition and work better when you feed them properly. Ironically "cleanse" diets that involve semi-starvation probably put more strain on your liver and kidneys than actually helping them. Eating a balanced diet with a sensible calorie deficit and ensuring that you're properly hydrated will be better for your liver and kidneys than all these "cleanses".

    - your colon also cleanses itself. Again, the right nutrition enables the colon to do its job well. The colon needs a sensible amount of dietary fibre and plenty of water. A healthy, balanced diet is best for your colon. If there are toxins in your colon that are likely to harm you, e.g. salmonella toxin from infection by salmonella bacteria, the colon cleanses itself very effectively through diarrhoea. The immune system also helps to neutralise the toxins and kill the bacteria.

    - some products sold as colon cleanses contain a substance that molds itself to the inside of the colon, and you poo it out. It looks weird and disgusting when you poo it out, and the producers of these products claim it's all the gunk that's been cleansed out of your intestines. It's not, it's the product that you ate/drank to do the "cleanse" in the first place. That's just what it looks like when it comes out the other end.

    - chelation therapy is a legitimate medical treatment for poisining by heavy metals such as arsenic, lead or mercury. It is, however, extremely dangerous, as it can also result in huge losses of other metals from the body, such as calcium (yes that's a metal), which is not only required by your bones but also your nerves, so losing too much calcium in the process can cause dire problems or even kill you. Hence why it's only done in cases where a) the patient is very closely medically supervised and b) the person has accidentally ingested enough of the heavy metals in question that their life is in danger. It is not used in any other circumstances. Unfortunately there have been cases where this has been attempted by alternative practitioners, and it's resulted in the death of people, including children in a couple of cases.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Great post, thank you OP :flowerforyou:
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Yeah, I definitely love you. <3
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    People who argue that things are "just a theory" really need to look into scientific terminology before arguing.

    I'm not usually a big fan of wiki, but their description is actually really good;
    A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment.

    What you may like to call a "theory" is what scientists call a hypothesis.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm glad you're on my friend list.
