
I have been dieting and exercising since February. I call it a life-style change because I want to keep this up for the rest of my life. So it's been a few weeks that I've been logging everything and not cheating by keeping off my guilty snacks that put me above my cal goal. I thought I was doing so well by staying below my calorie goal while still logging everything I ate. At this point I expected to lose at least a pound. I get on the scale at see that I am 3 pounds heavier. It could be muscle from working out but I don't feel skinnier either. I really need some support right now. Maybe some tips on eating better.
I eat fast food a few times a week and I really hope that's not bringing me down. I don't want to give up some of my cravings because I know I'll give in later if I don't give in now, if that makes an sense.


  • CoryRedlips
    CoryRedlips Posts: 24 Member
    Are you always using the same scale? Try to get on the scale with the same clothes or naked if you can. Keep doing exercise and dieting, you'll see good results soon.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Cut the fast food to once a week or none at all. Weigh, measure and count ALL of your food. My guess is that you'll be shocked at how many invisible calories you find. Eliminate the guesswork. Be brutally honest when logging calories burned. The math works out and you'll see results if your using the correct figures. Allow yourself a moderate portion of your cravings once a week. Knowing that you'll can have them will help you deal with them.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Open your diary, so we can see what you're logging. That is the easiest way for people to help you.

    How many calories are you taking in? What is your height and current weight?

    How much have you been working out, and are you eating your exercise calories?

    Are you religious about weighing/measuring/logging your foods?
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Open your diary, so we can see what you're logging. That is the easiest way for people to help you.

    How many calories are you taking in? What is your height and current weight?

    How much have you been working out, and are you eating your exercise calories?

    Are you religious about weighing/measuring/logging your foods?

    Basically this.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    How many cals do you eat a day
    What height are you and what is your goal
    Do you exercise
    What kind of fast food do you eat and how many times a week?