A new face, a new start.

Bama0586 Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I have started counting calories about 3 days ago. I have recently been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and I want to get in the best shape of my life to help with the disease process. I graduated high school 5 years ago and I had gained almost 150 pounds. I graduated from LPN school and lost part of that total bringing my weight to 287 today. My goal weight is 190 lbs and to get back into my high school jeans at size 17-18. I wear size 20 right now so my work is cut out for me!! I work full time as a nurse, and I am going to school to get my RN. This is the best time of my life as people keep telling me so I want to make the most of it! Any encouragement will help tremendously!


  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Hi & welcome. I work with a lot of nurses (I am not a nurse) and I see a recurring theme...you guys are great at helping and caring for others but often, not yourselves. Good for you to be here. Add me as a friend if you want. Congrats - you are well on your way
  • Hi there and welcome!!

    My brother is currently studing to be a nurse it is his final year. Yay!! That is great that you joined MFP, I have been on here for about 8 weeks now and I can see the results. So may I ask is MS a cronic disease can this be managed? I hope it all goes okay for you!! Well good luck on here. I have made some great friends and have lost 6kgs (13lbs) in the last 8 weeks so I'm on my way too... I am only 1/4 to my goal and slowly but surely the turtle wins the race.
    Best of luck with it all. :)
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Hi my mom had MS it is really a good idea to get your weight down and tone your muscles and try and keep them toned. I'm sure MS affects people differently. My mom was very fortunate it only affected her legs. Good luck to you . There's a lot of wonderful her to help you accomplish your goals. If you would like me as your friend just add me. You will be fine
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Hi there and welcome!!

    My brother is currently studing to be a nurse it is his final year. Yay!! That is great that you joined MFP, I have been on here for about 8 weeks now and I can see the results. So may I ask is MS a cronic disease can this be managed? I hope it all goes okay for you!! Well good luck on here. I have made some great friends and have lost 6kgs (13lbs) in the last 8 weeks so I'm on my way too... I am only 1/4 to my goal and slowly but surely the turtle wins the race.
    Best of luck with it all. :)

    you are so right about slowly but slowly haha -
  • Bama0586
    Bama0586 Posts: 3
    MS cannot be cured, but with medicine, support, and healthier living I can keep it from getting worse at a quicker pace. MS is where my body's immune system is attacking my nerves in my brain and spinal cord. Your nerves have a fatty-acid sheath (Mylin Sheath) that covers the nerve, and that's what my body is attacking. When I have a "flare up" I can have anything from my balance being off, not being able to write or talk, trouble with vision, or my concentration/ ability to convey my thoughts. I have to take shots three times a week to help slow the pregression of the MS. Its going to be a long hard rode, but I just take it one day at a time. Thank you for your interest.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    MS cannot be cured, but with medicine, support, and healthier living I can keep it from getting worse at a quicker pace. MS is where my body's immune system is attacking my nerves in my brain and spinal cord. Your nerves have a fatty-acid sheath (Mylin Sheath) that covers the nerve, and that's what my body is attacking. When I have a "flare up" I can have anything from my balance being off, not being able to write or talk, trouble with vision, or my concentration/ ability to convey my thoughts. I have to take shots three times a week to help slow the pregression of the MS. Its going to be a long hard rode, but I just take it one day at a time. Thank you for your interest.

    You are so very lucky you were diagnosed. It took my mom 7 years to find out she had MS. She was very fortunate that hers only affected her legs. She was 45 when hers was diagnosed in 1977 but she accually had it from 1971. Back then not a lot was known. But now a lot is you are very fortunate they have come a long, long way. And thanks for adding me to your friend list
  • My sister was dianosed with MS as a teenager. Back them, the doctor said, "Go home and live your life. There's nothing we can do." She is 42 years old and going strong. She keeps in shape, we go to boot camp together. There are times she gets over heated, she takes a break. She listens to her body and does what she can do. She raises money for MS, She works with a support group to let others with MS know MS is in NO WAY, the end of a good life. You can live a happy, productive life with MS. I'm glad to see you have joined MFP. My sister gets many calls from people newly dianosed with MS. In the 1980's there were not many teenagers dianosed with MS. She has seen alot of changes in the medical community with new drugs. I know she as been on the shots you speak of, three times per week. It's a great thing that you are doing for yourself. Getting in shape and eating more healthly is a gift you're giving yourself. GREAT JOB.... Welcome to MFP.
  • Hi there and welcome!!

    My brother is currently studing to be a nurse it is his final year. Yay!! That is great that you joined MFP, I have been on here for about 8 weeks now and I can see the results. So may I ask is MS a cronic disease can this be managed? I hope it all goes okay for you!! Well good luck on here. I have made some great friends and have lost 6kgs (13lbs) in the last 8 weeks so I'm on my way too... I am only 1/4 to my goal and slowly but surely the turtle wins the race.
    Best of luck with it all. :)

    you are so right about slowly but slowly haha -

    got that right, but you're half way to your goal so that's awesome!! :)
  • MS cannot be cured, but with medicine, support, and healthier living I can keep it from getting worse at a quicker pace. MS is where my body's immune system is attacking my nerves in my brain and spinal cord. Your nerves have a fatty-acid sheath (Mylin Sheath) that covers the nerve, and that's what my body is attacking. When I have a "flare up" I can have anything from my balance being off, not being able to write or talk, trouble with vision, or my concentration/ ability to convey my thoughts. I have to take shots three times a week to help slow the pregression of the MS. Its going to be a long hard rode, but I just take it one day at a time. Thank you for your interest.

    Wow you sound like an incredible person and that you seem like you have a good outlook on life with your take it one day at a time attitude - I think living a healthy and happy lifestyle will help with the quality of your living also.
    take care and keep in touch if you ever want someone to talk too :)
  • Bama0586
    Bama0586 Posts: 3
    Thank you fantasiasbutterfly , same to you!
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