Losing 1 lbs per week

Hello ! I am relatively new here and well... here's the lil' problem.

I want to lose approximately 1 lbs per week, to make sure my body won't panic and make me gain back the weight. So I guess that's a reasonable amount.

However, I do not know if I eat 1,390 calories a day, if I will lose that amount of weight, thus, I would like to know here do I have to go check to ensure it will work ! c:

Thank you very much ! c:


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    No one here can really answer that, especially without knowing your stats. If you plugged into MFP that you want to lose 1 lb a week, and MFP gave you a goal of 1,390 a day, then that's where to start. Eat that for a few weeks and see if you lose at that rate. Then you'll know! Bear in mind, MFP gives you that goal based on the assumption that you will log exercise and eat those calories back. Otherwise, it would have taken your planned exercise into account and given you a higher goal.

    So, just give it a go and see how you get on. You might lose a little more in the first week or so, most of which would be water weight. After that, see if you lose an average of 1 lb a week (weight loss is not completely linear), and if not, adjust from there. Good luck!