

  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 648 Member
    STAY AWAY FROM ALL OF THEM - - - FAR, FAR AWAY! No need for such ridiculousness!! Drink enough water and you should be fine!!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I've heard that detoxing makes you feel a lot clearer and helps you mentally. Which is what I need.
    Some people seem to find that detoxing/"cleansing" gives them a bit of a psychological boost. If you're prone to binging though, it may do more harm than good. Physically, it's just unnecessary. Maybe you could get the same psychological boost by just focusing on nourishing your body now with lots of nutritious food and water. Just stopping binging is all you really need... it may take a couple of days to stop feeling sluggish, but you don't need to flush anything out. Your body will take care of that by itself.

    For the mental part, I'd also recommend yoga, or meditation, or running, or hiking, or talking to someone and getting to the root of why you're binging. :flowerforyou:
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Yes I have tried meditation, I use a lot of strategies to cope with anxiety. However a lot of my anxieties are related to food, hence why a detox may be good for the mind and mental health
    If your anxieties are related to food, is being super-restrictive with food for 5 days really going to help?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I've heard that detoxing makes you feel a lot clearer and helps you mentally. Which is what I need.
    Do you know what also helps with that? Food. Without the psychotic episodes might I add.

    Lots of things make you 'feel' a lot clearer. Talk to someone with anorexia. They hit these little clear moments when they go without food for a long time. Doesn't make it a good idea.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Yes I have tried meditation, I use a lot of strategies to cope with anxiety. However a lot of my anxieties are related to food, hence why a detox may be good for the mind and mental health
    yeah...um...no no no no no no no...nobody with a good mind and mental health will tell a healthy person to do this.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I've heard that detoxing makes you feel a lot clearer and helps you mentally. Which is what I need.

    Eating unprocessed foods and drinking enough water will help you feel clearer physically.

    Mediation will help you feel clearer mentally.

    Best of luck. :smile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I find it's interesting to find out how our bodies work. It's not quite like plumbing and sewer pipes.
    Read up about the digestive system and I think you'll find that detoxes don't really do anything.
    If it were me in your position, and it is frequently, I'd just eat healthily and recover.

    Whoop there it is.

    Just eat a balanced diet, drink water, and exercise. You're body will handle the rest.


  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    You will be better off eating clean for 5 days, just eat veggies, meat, fish, eggs and natural live yogurt, only drink water or herbal teas. Oh and you can eat 50g brown rice a day too. No fruit, no sugar, no caffeine, no wheat no dairy apart form the yogurt. I am following the Harcombe plan and this five days is called Phase 1. I was addicted to carbs in every way shape and form and cannot tell you how much better I felt in that short space of time. My cravings were under control and I no longer wanted the rubbish I craved before. It also threw up an intolerance to wheat after the 5 days when I introduced it. I already have a dairy intolerance but I feel great now that I have eliminated these things from my diet.

    Everyone is different and things work for one person that do not work for another, but this plan makes so much sense its a clean way of eating and sensibly does not exclude any food group once you move onto Phase 2 after 5 days.

    There is no way only drinking cranberry juice, which is full of sugar and lemon juice which will probably strip the enamel from your teeth is going to do you any good what so ever.

    Be sensible and follow something which is not crazy.

    Good luck
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Ok so.. I am usually a bit wary of things like detoxing and short term fixes but, for the past week I have done nothing but binge on carbs, chocolate, crisps, and alcohol and I am feeling seriously seriously sluggish and disgusting!

    So I thought this week I would do a 5 day detox, just drinking cranberry and lemon juice as I hear they are very good for colon cleansing and for your insides.

    I am not doing it to lose weight, or for a short term fix, I'm doing it to flush out the bad carbs I have had and to get rid of this horrible bloated, sluggish feeling!

    What do you all think about detoxing? Anyone had an experience detoxing?


    The carbs you have eaten have already been digested and there is absolutely no need to flush anything out.

    The best you're going to get is some anecdotal experiences about how people feel, but there's no actual evidence that you're detoxing anything.

    Even people who have a career in removing toxins via dietary/homeopathic means have been unable to name any toxins that get removed.

    My best advice to you would be to get your calories and macronutrients in order, eat mostly whole and nutrient dense foods, adequately hydrate yourself, and get some exercise.

    There is no need to do anything beyond this. I guarantee it.

    and ^^yep
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If your body is having issues flushing out the carbs you ate, then you need to see a doctor ASAP. This would mean there is something wrong with your body since your body is designed to cleanse and detox.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I find it's interesting to find out how our bodies work. It's not quite like plumbing and sewer pipes.
    Read up about the digestive system and I think you'll find that detoxes don't really do anything.
    If it were me in your position, and it is frequently, I'd just eat healthily and recover.

    Whoop there it is.

    Just eat a balanced diet, drink water, and exercise. You're body will handle the rest.


    Yeah, just eat good food in reasonable amounts, drink water, exercise. Let your body handle the detoxing--it does that quite well, you know! :flowerforyou:
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Apparently you have already made up your mind as to what you want to do. I'm not exactly sure what the point of your post was, except to inform people you don't know about something you are about to do.

    You've already received plenty of good information about how detoxes/cleanses are pretty much useless, but I assume you're looking for people to come and give you the vindication you're looking for as you proceed with your choice to cleanse/detox. I'm sure you will find the support you're looking for and expect to hear how wonderful detoxes/cleanses are in about 6 days
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    There are a lot of carbs in cranberry juice. You will probably feel pretty miserable just drinking juice. I love fruit and I feel miserable if I eat too much fruit and not enough protein for too long.

    I don't discount wanting to cleanse for the short-term psychological boosts though. There are some healthier versions around that allow you to eat food and hit your macros. I'm not sure what criteria are needed to hit a true cleanse, but there will be lots out there that would promote a little water loss and cut out any junk.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Yes I have tried meditation, I use a lot of strategies to cope with anxiety. However a lot of my anxieties are related to food, hence why a detox may be good for the mind and mental health

    OP, I had food related anxieties (and lots of anxiety in general) when I was deficient in certain vitamins and not eating enough healthy fats. Something you might want to consider....:flowerforyou:
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    So...to "flush" the carbs you are going to drink cranberry juice which is full of carbs?
  • ChaoticMum
    ChaoticMum Posts: 115 Member
    Eat clean, avoid the processed foods. Best way to detox.

    I've also heard that chia seeds are great for 'detoxing' by allowing toxins to sitck in the gelatinous stuff they make when mixed with water and then 'out they go' the normal exit. Plus Cilantro is apparently a good 'detoxer'. But those are healthy things you can ADD to your already healthy clean diet.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    You are thinking of drinking cranberry and lemon for 5 days? I have no idea what benefit you think this will achieve.

    You will be starving and feel worse than you already do, probably get headaches from lack of nutrition too.

    Why not just eat healthily and drink lots of water?
  • Charlixoxo
    Charlixoxo Posts: 94 Member
    Apparently you have already made up your mind as to what you want to do. I'm not exactly sure what the point of your post was, except to inform people you don't know about something you are about to do.

    You've already received plenty of good information about how detoxes/cleanses are pretty much useless, but I assume you're looking for people to come and give you the vindication you're looking for as you proceed with your choice to cleanse/detox. I'm sure you will find the support you're looking for and expect to hear how wonderful detoxes/cleanses are in about 6 days

    I had made my mind up, but actually posted to hear if anyone else had tried detoxing before.
    I have heard a lot of people say it is a good psychological boost after binging.
    But yeah, I think I'm going to stop posting thinking I will get support of everyone, because its apparent that some people are on here just to criticise and judge.

    In future I will keep it to myself,
    Thanks to those who genuinely want to support though, I appreciate it.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    A nice walk or hike would probably clear your mind much better.

    Just eat a nice healthy diet and get some exercise. When you already have anxieties about food, being overly restrictive is counter productive (you are just feeding those anxieties while starving your body).
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    OP, have you thought about getting out of the diet mindset to relieve some of your food anxiety? I looked at some of your other posts about binging. Your diary is not open so I don' t know how much you have your calories set at but if you are binging regularly, you are probably not eating enough in general and are maybe already very restrictive? Probably not eating real food for 5 days is going to make it worse. You really need to think about getting to a place where you can eat normally and quit dieting. It can be very detrimental long term.

    And what everyone else already said about cleanses. You don't need it.