Need someone to support me


I am 33 years old with a weight of 80 kgs.I feel like a pig,i cant fit my clothes.I am disguisted how big i got and i really think i should lose wait.Everything fine till here,but here comes the hard part..i cant get to the point when i can say yes...this is the way!I love too much the food,and to munch.
I think its morelike about the willing..or maybe i am just weak.
I am working in shifts ,and sometimes i just get home and start to munch..cant stop untill i finish...
Please someone tell me i am not hopless..
I am also living alone,my boyfriend lives far from me,he comes to visit once or twice per week..that makes me eat even more..the loneliness..
how to manage this?
Give me a push please...i really really want to be fit lacking something.
Please help?

Miss Piggy


  • Candro
    Candro Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there,

    Of course you can do it! It is all mental. I finally have lost some weight after several years of trying. A few things I have learned:

    1) Food logging: The good thing about logging your food here is that it makes you aware. I swear I forget what I've just eaten and Fitness Pal helps me give 2nd thought to my food choices.
    2) Consider gluten-free: This is what made the difference for me. I don't have intestinal or allergy problems. But wheat today is not the same as wheat 50 years ago. The hybridization affects us in many ways - especially with metabolism.
    3) Cut out (or down) on sugar. This is HARD. Sugar produces the same addictive behavior in the brain that drugs do!
    4) Get excited about cooking. I decided to make a sort of "game." I want to eat Gluten-free and healthy, increase my veggies, cut down on meat -- but I don't want to feel deprived. I LOVE food. I enjoy taste, it is a joy. It is fun to think up my favorite dishes or goodies and give it a "make over". It is also encouraging to discover that you can still enjoy food - just eat better. ***Also, after a very short while, I discovered that fresh vegetables & fruit truly tasted better!
    5) Have healthy, yummy snack options waiting for you when you get home (say, an apple with a TBS of peanut or almond butter). If I don't plan ahead (and I am bad about forethought), I make bad choices and easily give in to temptation.
    6) Pre-plan when you will exercise each day and make it a #1 priority. Then make it fun, something you feel good about when you're done -- that is what will keep you going. I decided to subscribe to and download book tapes. Then on a day or evening when I don't feel like a hard core work out, I go to the gym to listen to a good book while walking laps.
    7) Finally -- don't beat yourself up or guilt trip! There is enough negativity in this world, it never produces anything good. If you eat something calorie-dense, don't guilt about it. Just get back "on the horse." Maybe walk/run some extra laps.

    You can do it! It is not a diet, just a better way to live. It takes time. Also -- never call yourself Miss Piggy. :) You are surely beautiful! Everyone has something unique and special. TV/movies/magazines just showcase one kind of "pretty": that is, skinny, blond, yada, yada yada! I've seen tons of overweight women who are beautiful. Society places a huge load on women, a load that ignores true beauty, health and intellectual substance. Friend request me -- I'd be happy to cheer you on!

  • NancyStree
    NancyStree Posts: 89 Member
    yes log your food every day...drink at least 8 glasses of water a day...and move as much as you can...
    We are all here because we all need a push now and then plus if you like you can add me...
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    Hi, I'm a 33yo female too. When I decided it was time to do something about my weight gain and general overall not feeling good, I decided I wasn't going to punish myself. I started building on what was already working. Long story short, what healthy foods do you like? Try to keep those at the house. If you don't like healthy food (yet), then try to switch textures. For instance, if you like potato chips because they are crunchy and good, try switching to popcorn or Wheat Thins or pita chips (gotta find what you like). Also, try crunchy veggies (raw carrots/celery). If you like to go out to eat, try picking slightly healthier options or have things like mayo & dressing put on the side (then only use just a little)...It can be over whelming to know where to start, but you can do it. Just take little steps in the right direction and it will begin to become habit.
  • Candro
    Candro Posts: 11 Member
    If you haven't already seen this, take a look. It speaks volumes:

    It is supposed to be about bullying - but mostly it is about how people can negatively impact each other with words. Especially when we are kids. I could really relate to it. Anyway, it is so encouraging.
  • rachellefitz
    You are beating yourself up too much! I've only been here for less than a month but the things I have learned so far is that you can't let guilt take over. If you ate too much, or ate something unhealthy, what's done is done and all you can do is learn from it. Another thing I learned is how important having friends on this website is! Most people in our lives don't have the right attitude towards our decision to change our life for the better. Make friends here, when you have a bad day, they can help talk you through it, when you have a good day, or a good moment they will encourage and congratulate you. I honestly believe friends on this site make all the difference and really help you to want to be better. I'm going to send you a friend request now, but really, meet people here, they will give you motivation and the support you are looking for.
  • LaurieCoffman
    We are here for you. We either are going through much of what you are, or we have been there and understand the struggle you are going through. You have lots of support on this website. You can friend me. I will be there for you. - Laurie:flowerforyou:
  • thoroneil
    thoroneil Posts: 96 Member
    The best weight loss program is yourself.. I'm here too support you. Add me.. if you want.. chart your food. What your lacking is determination. Find a goal that you can strive for... that will be your strenght...

    Let jump to success together and walk the smaller path to a larger future..
  • elfelejtem
    Hey guys
    Thanks for all the reply and support you gave me.I decided from today i really will watch my food and try to exercise at least half an hour everyday i go home or before.I know for you it sounded like im making fun of myself,but actually I am just dissapointed
    I already got this overweight once,back in my country,and i got real fedup when i realized i have so many nice cloths but i cant weir any as they dont fit me anymore.Maybe i just didnt realize that yet,even thou im already there where i was,very overweighted.
    But then again,back home was different,life was different.I was eating different food,every day i was walking at least 2 hours,every summer i was swimming at evening one hour.I lost my overweight and i was real happy.
    As i came out in Uk,my lifestyle changed,lately i was working every day 8 hours for more then two weeks and i still have 2 days to go untill i finnaly have one day off.I come home,im hungry,but i dont feel like coocking,just munch silly stuff.Local markets are closed untill i get back in town,and i am not so happy with those expensive and quite bad fruits i see in supermarkets,not to mention the fact that even from fruits i can eat as many as i see.Yea,i am a big belly beaver.
    As about miss Piggy,well shes from the muppets show,i always liked her,right now i also think this name in funny way it fits me.
    I do feel quilt,but i do wanna get there when i can weir my old cloths,when i can take a sexier dress and feel like an attractive woman.Right now what i see in the mirror is a big face and body and my mind keeps shouting this is not me,this cant be me!
    But by you guys writing me,i realized,there can be so many like me...
    I just joined the page and tried couple days,but by just doing that logging,didnt go well for me.Knowing somebody is behind this page,or even many more,makes me feel more better and motivated.
    I decided today ill take a picture of myself to see how my body is,I will put it on my laptop to see every time i start it.
    I know it sounds harsh,but i dont want my mind to hide again from the fact,im not myself.
    Please if you feel like,be here for me,support me,and ill try to support you also.
    Im also thinking to change my job also,as it gets me so tired sometimes that i feel like a zombi.
    It wont be easy i know,but i need my time for myself,and for my family,friends.
    Ill try today the day with swimming.Thats the sport i really enjoy,even if im not a very good swimmer but i like that feeling i get when i come out from water.Like im flying,im super easy,walk like on the moon witth no gravity:)
    I wanted also to ask somebody,what the best sport to lose weight?I see lots of people running,and even if im horrible with that(the air gets always stuck in me,and my side hurts)i will try to make it.Unfortunnatly I cant go swimming every day due to fact that the swimming pool has strange programe:(
    I am 83 kg today.
    Here i start my fight with the fat!

    Miss Piggy
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Swimming is good - if you like swimming, then that's the one to start with. Running is efficient - but not everyone likes it. What you could do is start by walking - say one mile. Then, you can throw in the odd short jog within that walk; stop whenever you feel like, mixing running and walking - and take music with you! If you can walk/jog for 30mins and swim occasionally - thats a great start.

    Water - really important - 8+ glasses a day always helps (especially if you are starting from much less - immediate results!!). And the food diary is so important, because it will help you see what are the major contributors, and find easy things to cut.

    Plus most of the people here are great - you'll find people that started where you are and much worse. You say you weigh 80kgs - I've seen people where who have lost 90kgs - so you're in the right company.

    One last thing .. "Miss Piggy" - seriously? We need to find you a better nickname :-)