

  • MMMMMMMary
    oh my gosh! Stop stop stop beating yourself up! -- make an effort to ---- ACTIVELY BLOCK ---- any thoughts or memories or "ruminations" about your weekend. It's fine. It's over. One day of binging isn't the end, and you were so low. You have a lot of reasons to be low . . . . this is not something to be so hard on yourself about! Tomorrow is a new day, and you should definitely take it slow. NO MORE than 1 lb. a week -- if you eat too few calories, you're likely to binge again --- for me, I don't mind an occasional binge, but if you're the kind of person who's going to get depressed about it, then you'd better not set yourself up for it: eating way too few calories is definitely going to catch up with you and you're one day going to wake up and crave food beyond what you need, and because of some stress or other, you're not going to have the willpower to stop. That's natural. So definitely take it SLOW. I do mean it: today/ this weekend is over and it's not all lost. You're alive, the week hopefully will be better, and life is good. so ACTIVELY BLOCK your ruminations and don't let yourself spiral down into such negativity! I recommend you go to reddit, if you're an animal lover, and browse "aww" -- it's got photo after photo of cute animals. Wasting time here in the evening always perks me up. Hugs, - M

    edit: per a previous poster's comment, I didn't read carefully enough --- it looks like you are already underweight: you're probably binging in part, again, because you've taken in too few calories. Once you reach a normal-weight bmi, you will find yourself eating more than you were on the "losing weight" plan. You should recalculate your calories -- they probably need to go up just a little, actually!
  • clb1985
    clb1985 Posts: 17
    Wake up tomorrow and continue like NOTHING EVER HAPPENED!!!! You will be okay! I have had awful binges, felt horrible afterward and STILL lost the weight! You can do it too! Just remember before you do it again, how bad you feel now!

    thanks lovely I feel like I can move from it this morning and just totally will forget about it xx
  • clb1985
    clb1985 Posts: 17
    I'm pretty much going to tell you the same thing as everyone else.

    We all have days where we go over our calorie intake and that's not bad. You're going to have those days. I've had those days before too. Some days you just don't want to be restricted because of various reasons and that's fine. As long as you don't make it a habit. Honestly, one day (or one weekend, in this case) is not going to affect you that much in the long run anyway and tomorrow is a new day and the beginning of a new week, so forget about the past and just focus on the future. :)

    I need to learn how to deal with these days and allow myself to have them at times. xx
  • clb1985
    clb1985 Posts: 17
    thank you for all your replies, I have taken all of them on board I assure you.
    to answer some, I have to have structure I simply cannot eat daily without it hence why I should never binge or have cheat days because I cannot deal with them so mfp is great for me to keep on top of my weight and calories
    also the support is great and thank you to everyone for taking the time to reply.
    I am 140lbs exactly I am trying to build myself up to 147 eventually but would like to prove to myself I can maintain first here so I do not keep going up if you get me?
    like proving to my ana mind just because I am going to gain doesn mean I cant maintain when I get there and not gain more.
