Sticking to calories!

Hi there,

I am pretty new to this so looking for some advise! I am 5 foot 9 and currently weigh about 148 pounds, but I would love to get a bit fitter and have a flatter tummy so recently I have started exercising and trying to monitor what I eat... word being try!

Most days I do 30 or 40 minutes of Tiffany Rothe's 10 minute fat burning workouts which always get me sweating.

I'm curious as to how people use their allocated calories on here, I am currently on the 1200 a day however get more with the exercise. Should I use the extra when exercising or stick to the base 1200?

Like tonight I went over board and had like 500 calories worth of chocolate so frantically did 4 of my videos so I was back within my limit! :embarassed:

How does it work for you and what do you stick to? I'd love to see what other people find works for them, so any help would be great! Thanks and hope to hear from you soon Phee.


  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    You're meant to eat back at least some of your exercise calories, because MFP's system is already built in with a calorie deficit. If you don't eat back those calories, you're creating a much larger deficit than is healthy to uphold for an extended period of time. On the homepage, you should aim to at least "Net" 1200 calories.
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    I would go to and calculate your bmr...don't eat less than that.