How do you curb your PMS cravings?

I can't stop myself! I'm trying to eat only healthy foods but I want so much of it. How do you cope with PMS cravings and stay on track?


  • I find it can be better to just give in to the cravings and have something instead of letting myself lose control and binge later. I usually get really bad cravings for soda/ice cream or fast food, and for me its better if I just have an ice cream cone or a cheeseburger and some soda than to get frustrated and eat everything. If you don't wanna give in, maybe find good substitutions? Like if you get cravings for sweets, maybe have some fruits or yogurt, or if you want something salty go for nuts or pretzels?
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    I usually give into my cravings. if I want some chocolate, I have some chocolate. Am I going to eat 3 candy bars? No. I will eat half today and half tmrw :) It's all about not totally restricting yourself while having some self control. Find a happy medium!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I definitely agree with having something small to give in to those cravings instead of completely depriving yourself.

    I pre-log my meals, and if I know that TOM is coming and that I will probably crave something like chocolate, I will simply add mini Reece's or Hershey Kisses to my plan. That way I have my craved foods, and yet I still meet my calorie goals.
  • kikilareggae
    kikilareggae Posts: 289 Member
    If you're going to give in and want to be strict, maybe have a Luna bar or Lara bar? Some argue they are as bad as a candy bar but I disagree. I will usually give into a craving here or there during that time and then after I'm back on track. I believe in balance in all things, especially during PMS time. :)